"when we/ called them #Sodomites then,/ all we meant by it/ was neighbor."
My (first language -> second language) #translation of #KarenFinneyfrock's "What Lot's Wife Would Have Said (if she wasn't a pillar of salt)" #biblical #poetry #genesis #poesía #español #Sodom #Gomorrah
#sodomites #translation #karenfinneyfrock #biblical #poetry #genesis #poesia #espanol #sodom #gomorrah
Decision came 5 days after #Saviano, author of #Gomorrah, described #Italy’s deputy pm & leader o #RightWing #League, #MatteoSalvini, as “the minister of the underworld”. Wasn't 1st time heused this expression – to describe #Salvini. He is currently on trial after Salvini sued him 4 defamation.
the journalist, who lives under police escort & has been in hiding from #Neapolitan #mafia, #Camorra, since 2006, said move was a sign of erosion of #FreedomOfSpeech in #Italy.
#saviano #gomorrah #italy #rightwing #league #matteosalvini #salvini #neapolitan #mafia #camorra #freedomofspeech
#Gomorrah - #PC - #Review unter https://www.pcgamehunters.de/2023/02/17/gomorrah/
Gomorrah ist ein nettes kleines Visual Novel mit leichtem Strategie-Ansatz. Leider ist die technische Umsetzung völlig mangelhaft, so ist weder die Grafik noch das Sounddesign beeindruckend und die Spielwelt wirkt völlig leblos. Mehr im Test.
#Abenteuer #VisualNovel #Strategie #Casual #Gelegenheitsspiel #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #indiegame #indiegaming #indie
#gomorrah #pc #review #Abenteuer #visualnovel #strategie #casual #gelegenheitsspiel #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #indiegame #indiegaming #indie #34bigthings
I hope Santa has Genna's shipment..err, gift🎁😂😂 Buon Natale❤🎄🇮🇹
#salvatoreesposito #gomorrah #rinorusso #genny #merrychristmas
Genna mi ha spaventato a morte in questa scena🔥 #gomorrah #gennarosavastano #salvatoreesposito ❤🇮🇹
#gomorrah #gennarosavastano #salvatoreesposito
Genna mi ha spaventato a morte in questa scena 🔥 #gomorrah #gennarosavastano I miss him❤
Mi mancano Genny e Ciro 🔥 #Gomorrah #salvatoreesposito #damoremarco ❤🇮🇹
#gomorrah #salvatoreesposito #damoremarco
If you could only watch one show on #Hbomax this year, I would whole heartedly recommend #Gomorrah . This property has been a book and a movie, but it really hit it's full stride as a multi-season show.
It's the Italian version of the Sopranos, and it's a total peer. Can't recommend it enough. If you need a celebrity endorsement, #RickyGervais also loves it.
#hbomax #gomorrah #rickygervais
For the last few days I have been binge-watching the Italian crime drama #Gomorrah , which is tense and addictive and yes, quite violent. One of the details which fascinates me is that almost every time we see a television in these Neapolitan homes, they are set into (tbqh) rather garish frames as if they were works of art.
I have no idea if this is commonplace in Italy or if it's unique to Naples. If my Neapolitan grandma were still alive I'd ask her (although she pre-dated TV).
#gomorrah is the ultimate in #crime drama #shakespeare meets the #godfather #TVDrama
#tvdrama #godfather #shakespeare #crime #gomorrah