Yes, they take their man pages very seriously.
#OpenBSD is one OS you could learn a *lot* about with nothing more than a single offline OpenBSD box. Start with the Afterboot(8) and just go from there.
Contrast so many Linux projects where the only documentation is some dodgy wiki somewhere. No manpage, no README, no /usr/share/doc/, no nuthin'
(#gomuks, I'm looking at you, amigo)
@panmaster when i'm using the phone in portrait style, i use the on screen keyboard. when i use convergence mode i just use a physical keyboard like any other computer. it's the same deal as other console apps like #tut or #gomuks
@gamey @craftyguy then there's #gomuks, a TUI matrix client for those who want a more limited set of features in a more comfortable environment. goes great with tut for the fediverse, neomutt for email, newsboat for rss, etc
@martinpitt sounds like an oldschool enthusiast 😉 don't get me wrong, I really like irc but it is indeed a different world.
I'm currently using #gomuks for talking in a Matrix channel, as weechat-matrix fails to register with Fedora's Matrix instance. It's usability is quite a step backwards, but good enough. I just can't for the life of me use these attention/space hogging web or graphical UIs.
Realized you can send key presses in #tmux.
So I can make custom bindings for programs.
For example, I'm trying to use the #gomuks #Matrix client, and it has no bindings to download and open files from chat, only a command '/open'.
What I did:
bind-key -n C-o send-keys -t gomuks:gomuks /open Enter
By pressing ctrl+o it writes /open and 'presses' Enter inside gomuks.
I know I'd rather add the bindings in the code itself, but I tried and it didn't work, I'm not a coder, sadly.
@pallenberg jap, ein wirklich tolles teil... :) mittels #golang hab ich sogar aktuelle (terminal) programme wie #gomuks für matrix auf der pandora am laufen ;)
@kelbot i get around 5+ hours on my very similar #DevTerm with A04 and only 2 cores running + wifi and #amfora/ #gomuks running. Stand by works. I already ordered a #uConsole and i will try the #RaspberryPi SoM first with it. The R01 and A04 are also on the list to try out. The R01 is very slow, hasn't better battery life in the DevTerm and isn't supported well imho
#raspberrypi #uConsole #gomuks #Amfora #DevTerm
@fuesstest #gomuks kam leider nicht wirklich an #profanity heran als ich es ausprobiert habe. Evtl. schaue ich demnächst mal ob sich da was getan hat.
Ich bin natürlich im Team #XMPP. Da kann ich relativ ressourcenschonend meinen eigenen Server betreiben und es gibt ausgereifte clients (#Conversations, #Gajim, #profanity etc.) die ohne Electronbloat auskommen. Gerade im Bereich TUI hat Matrix noch nicht viel zu bieten. Im Vergleich zu profanity ist #gomuks noch ziemlich buggy.
#gomuks #profanity #gajim #conversations #xmpp
These days I tested a couple of matrix cli/tui clients.
#Gomuks is cool and sufficient as a TUI app that i can use it via ssh during work time (my work laptop is monitored, so yes i am using it on pinephone)
So now all daily driving apps are here as TUI: mutt, toot, weechat, newsboat...
Cheers i can't live without these! #FOSS