Every couple of weeks, my Spotify stats tick up twice as fast as normal. And every time, it’s someone on a #Goncharov kick suddenly playing the theme over and over again. Bless you and your obsessions, weird internet fandoms.
Actually surprised at this stage that someone hasn't announced a #Goncharov project with one of the major streaming networks.
Probably a six part comedy, using the device of never before seen footage taken for a "Making of..." documentary that was never finished.
Will Ferrell is probably one of the producers, somehow Ryan Reynolds is involved, and they land the whale when Marty agrees to a post-credits cameo in part six.
So I just checked with the creator of the original Goncharov poster and they said it's OK if I modify it to make a COVID-related meme!
#goncharov #unreality #allyourbreatharebelongtous
The trouble with fingers and knotwork patterns makes sense. It’s like memory, which is way spottier than we want to admit. So we adjust our prompts and guide it to producing the image that satisfies our requirements.
Hang on.
AI art is gaslighting a computer into remembering scenes that never existed.
how very #goncharov
@rednikki @bikepedantic and oh my god the accents. “And one for the table!!!” Golly, I hope to watch #goncharov soon.
Kotaku: This Japanese Candy Commercial Is Better Than Any Super Bowl Ad https://kotaku.com/super-bowl-ad-japanese-commercial-sakeru-candy-long-man-1850088438 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #martinscorsese #koigokuedition #i27magummybear #yukiyoshiozawa #humaninterest #the2018cannes #richardcurtis #risakoitc58d #personallife #nancymeyers #seijisuzuki #sakerugummy #candymaking #gummycandy #superbowl #goncharov #articles #koigoku #chichan #risako #build #songs #toru
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #martinscorsese #koigokuedition #i27magummybear #yukiyoshiozawa #humaninterest #the2018cannes #richardcurtis #risakoitc58d #personallife #nancymeyers #seijisuzuki #sakerugummy #candymaking #gummycandy #superbowl #goncharov #articles #koigoku #chichan #risako #build #songs #toru
hello, i'm luka! this is my main account, where i boost a variety of content (mostly cute stuff tbh) and share my random thoughts. check out my full profile for a list of side accounts.
#ATLA, #SailorMoon, #StevenUniverse, #SPOP, #Pokemon, #Undertale / #Deltarune, #Goncharov, #DraculaDaily, #CHVRCHES, #Geckos / #LeopardGeckos, #Sanrio, #FairyKei, #Voidpunk
feel free to say hello!
#introduction #atla #sailormoon #StevenUniverse #spop #pokemon #undertale #deltarune #goncharov #DraculaDaily #chvrches #geckos #leopardgeckos #sanrio #fairykei #voidpunk
hello, i'm luka! this is my main/personal account, where i boost a variety of content and share my random thoughts. check out my full profile for a list of side-accounts.
#SailorMoon, #StevenUniverse, #SPOP, #Undertale, #Deltarune, #DraculaDaily, #Goncharov, #CHVRCHES, #Geckos / #LeopardGeckos, #Sanrio, #FairyKei, #Voidpunk
feel free to say hello!
#introduction #sailormoon #stevenuniverse #spop #undertale #deltarune #draculadaily #goncharov #chvrches #geckos #leopardgeckos #sanrio #fairykei #voidpunk
Didn't see this until now! *whole new round of cackling* #goncharov #tumblr #goncharov1973
#goncharov #tumblr #goncharov1973
My kids have been asking me if I've seen the #Goncharov movie.
Ha bloody ha! 🤣
This meme totally passed me by. 🤦♂️
If I had infinite time, I would use today's #AI tools to "rediscover" the "lost" episodes of #MaxHeadroom - write the scripts, generate the scenes, and compose the music.
"Oh, #reddit memed #Goncharov? Wait till we get our #CaycePollard on and begin weaving entire seasons worth of forgotten storylines extensibly about what happens when digitally manipulated images take on a life of their own."
#ai #maxheadroom #reddit #goncharov #caycepollard
A glimpse into my Spotify stats… a shitpost is getting orders of magnitude more plays than any of my “real” music.
OK, I mean, my cinematic score version of the Goncharov main theme _is_ still real music, but still. This makes me laugh.
#spotify #indiemusic #goncharov
There is little doubt that this (“contaigous” spreading) _does_ happen on Mastodon, and that the platform _does_ have the tools to allow this (boosts), so virality _is_ possible. We actually know this from the experience of the #JohnMastodon #meme, that even jumped network, “infecting” #Tumblr and crossing over with their own #Goncharov meme.
#goncharov #tumblr #meme #johnmastodon
Finalising my screening list for a #film class focused on #Goncharov:
First film is obvious: Mean Streets, the actual #MartinScorsese film from 1973.
For the second #movie, what did Scorsese release around 2008, the year when Gomorrah was released?
2010's Shutter Island or 2006's The Departed? Oh wait, I can show Infernal Affairs!
But if we're going 2000s Asian crime film, why not go full epic/tragic gangster instead?
Oho! #JohnnieTo's Election it is then!
#film #goncharov #MartinScorsese #movie #johnnieto #cinema #cinemastodon
TC is telling me all about #Goncharov. Sounds like a really good movie, can't believe I've missed it all these years.
not to be a conspiracy theorist but i’m pretty sure #JohnMastodon was the actual writer of #Goncharov.
@Quantium40 I thought #JohnMastodon was in #Goncharov a couple of years before that.
Any of these you? Talk to me!
(in no particular order)
#Marvel #MCU #Avengers #Hawkeye #ClintBarton #KateBishop #JeremyRenner #MayorOfKingstown #Rennervation
#Fanfic #Phlint #HappyTowerTime #PhilCoulson
#DiamondPainting #DiamondArt #Etsy
#Healdsburg #BuyNothing #PayNothing
#marvel #mcu #avengers #hawkeye #clintbarton #katebishop #jeremyrenner #mayorofkingstown #rennervation #fanfic #phlint #happytowertime #philcoulson #DiamondPainting #diamondart #etsy #healdsburg #buynothing #paynothing #goncharov #goncharov1973 #datingwhilewidowed #vr