Listen, you got your idea of what #wizardmusic is and I got mine. #cavedweller #oldsorcery #CastleSiege #borealdawn #hermitknight #mythrilspcectre #forgottenpathways #summoning #burzum #ornatorpet #silentcabin #carnifexian #runerealms #cosmicsorcerer #grimrik #oldtower #evilfeast #satyricon #urak-hai #moloch #quietmaster #keysoforthanc #aindulmedir #dungeontroll #erthritesthrone #MORELOCK #stormkeep #questmaster #monastery #fogweaver #ulk #torchlight #gondar #darksol #iagon #forlorncitadel
#wizardmusic #cavedweller #oldsorcery #castlesiege #borealdawn #hermitknight #mythrilspcectre #forgottenpathways #summoning #burzum #ornatorpet #silentcabin #carnifexian #runerealms #cosmicsorcerer #grimrik #oldtower #evilfeast #satyricon #urak #moloch #quietmaster #keysoforthanc #aindulmedir #dungeontroll #erthritesthrone #morelock #stormkeep #questmaster #monastery #fogweaver #ulk #torchlight #gondar #darksol #iagon #forlorncitadel
Journey into Gondar's illustrious past with its remarkable architecture and cultural heritage—travel onwards to see Ethiopia's Simien Mountains and beyond!
#gondar #ethiopia #travel #simienmountains #unesco #worldheritage #wanderlust #inspiration
#gondar #ethiopia #travel #simienmountains #unesco #worldheritage #wanderlust #inspiration
Moral da história:
1- NUNCA, jamais, em tempo algum se deve abrir p/ reparação um aparelho eléctrico ligado à rede; retirem sempre a ficha da tomada.
2- Antes de voltar a ligar à rede verifiquem se está tudo bem (peças aparafusadas, sem perigo evidente de
Homem morre eletrocutado a arranjar ferro de engomar em Cerveira #Acidentes #Cerveira #Gondar