it's the new fiscal year at my work, so I'm scheming what purchases both reasonable and ludicrous I should suggest. A giant flag of #Gondor flying over the #library is clearly the former, right?
Weathertop by Gus Hunter
#tolkien #lotr #lordoftherings #jrrtolkien #middleearth #thehobbit #hobbit #thelordoftherings #gandalf #silmarillion #aragorn #legolas #fantasy #frodo #elves #sauron #tolkienart #tolkienfan #art #elf #thesilmarillion #thranduil #bilbobaggins #mirkwood #gondor #lotrmemes #gimli #frodobaggins #mordor #peterjackson
#tolkien #lotr #lordoftherings #jrrtolkien #middleearth #thehobbit #hobbit #thelordoftherings #gandalf #silmarillion #aragorn #legolas #fantasy #frodo #elves #sauron #tolkienart #tolkienfan #art #elf #thesilmarillion #thranduil #bilbobaggins #mirkwood #gondor #lotrmemes #gimli #FrodoBaggins #mordor #peterjackson
Vinyamar by Alan Lee
#tolkien #lotr #lordoftherings #jrrtolkien #middleearth #thehobbit #hobbit #thelordoftherings #gandalf #silmarillion #aragorn #legolas #fantasy #frodo #elves #sauron #tolkienart #tolkienfan #art #elf #thesilmarillion #thranduil #bilbobaggins #mirkwood #gondor #lotrmemes #gimli #frodobaggins #mordor #peterjackson
#tolkien #lotr #lordoftherings #jrrtolkien #middleearth #thehobbit #hobbit #thelordoftherings #gandalf #silmarillion #aragorn #legolas #fantasy #frodo #elves #sauron #tolkienart #tolkienfan #art #elf #thesilmarillion #thranduil #bilbobaggins #mirkwood #gondor #lotrmemes #gimli #FrodoBaggins #mordor #peterjackson
Some more of my amateur pencil sketches from my favorite scenes/stills from the LOTR trilogy
#artonmastodon #pencilsketch #drawing #lotr #lordoftherings #Argonath #Gandalf #gondor #shading
#artonmastodon #pencilsketch #drawing #lotr #lordoftherings #argonath #gandalf #gondor #shading
Impressed by the article!!
Very cool writeup by Howard Lee with links to other interesting recent papers on the mysterious #Paleocene #Eocene Thermal Maximum #PETM 56 million years ago. Fascinating!
So – near Greenland, there are ancient volcanic areas and they were responsible for #CO2 and #CH4 increase, and also for the sudden stop to the warming.
The areas are named #Eriador and #Gondor – who'd have thunk? Did #Tolkien get the names from #geology or was the naming done by geologists to honour the writer? Howard Lee could have added this little info. But maybe he hasn't read Lord of the Rings #LotR.
#paleocene #eocene #petm #co2 #ch4 #eriador #gondor #tolkien #geology #lotr
Impressed by the article!!
Very cool writeup by Howard Lee with links to other interesting recent papers on the mysterious #Paleocene #Eocene Thermal Maximum #PETM 56 million years ago. Fascinating!
So – near Greenland, there are ancient volcanic areas and they were responsible for #CO2 and #CH4 increase, and also for the sudden stop to the warming.
The areas are named #Eriador and #Gondor – who'd have thunk? Did #Tolkien get the names from #geology or was the naming done by geologists to honour the writer? Howard Lee could have added this little info. But maybe he hasn't read Lord of the Rings #LotR.
#paleocene #eocene #petm #co2 #ch4 #eriador #gondor #tolkien #geology #lotr
Mais c'est l'arbfe blanc du Gondor
#gondor #tolkien
Je continue mes vacances en décorant ma maison du Gondor pour le mois des cadeaux ! Et aujourd'hui c'est le meilleur jour du mois des cadeaux 🎁
N'hésitez pas à me laisser un petit tip pour mon anniversaire, ou à acheter des cadeaux sur ma boutique, merci d'avance et passez un glorieux mois des cadeaux 🥰
Tip :
Boutique :
#vacances #voyage #gondor #sapin #cheminée #cadeaux #terresdumilieu #middleearth #fantasy #lotro #sdao #mmorpg #jeuvideo
#vacances #Voyage #gondor #sapin #cheminee #cadeaux #terresdumilieu #middleearth #fantasy #lotro #sdao #mmorpg #jeuvideo
Denethor ist eine der tragischen Figuren im Herrn der Ringe. Als Vater keine Leuchte, bevorzugt er seinen Erstgeborenen Boromir und verachtet seinen jüngeren Sohn Faramir. Als Truchseß dazu verdammt, Minis Tirith zu verwalten und auf die Rückkehr des Königs von Gondor zu warten, zerbricht er und verfällt dem Wahnsinn.
#lotr #hobbit #tolkien #hdr #trop #mittelerde #denethor #gondor #minastirith #truchsess #midjourney #midjourneyai
#lotr #hobbit #tolkien #hdr #trop #mittelerde #Denethor #gondor #MinasTirith #truchsess #midjourney #MidjourneyAI
Faramir, Bruder von Boromir und jüngster Sohn von Denethor ... vernachlässigt, aber so wichtig für die Ringmission und am Ende glückreich.
#lotr #hobbit #tolkien #hdr #mittelerde #faramir #gondor #midjourney #midjourneyai
#lotr #hobbit #tolkien #hdr #mittelerde #faramir #gondor #midjourney #MidjourneyAI
Und hier der letzte der Ringgemeinschaft und
... der einzige, der's nicht geschafft hat 😔
#lotr #hobbit #tolkien #hdr #mittelerde #boromir #gondor #midjourney #midjourneyai
#lotr #hobbit #tolkien #hdr #mittelerde #boromir #gondor #midjourney #MidjourneyAI
Found my next tattoo.
#lordoftherings #lotr #anduril #gondor #onering #TolkienArt #tolkien #tolkiennerd
#lordoftherings #lotr #anduril #gondor #onering #TolkienArt #tolkien #tolkiennerd
Gokú llegando a Namekusei = pantalla desbloqueada
Árbol blanco de #Gondor = pantalla de bloqueo
Jeden dritten Freitag im Monat findet bei uns auf dem Vereinsgelände am Bruchweg 58 in 47608 Geldern, ab 19 Uhr unser Stammtisch statt. Kommt gerne vorbei.
#tolkien #lotr #lordoftherings #jrrtolkien #middleearth #thehobbit #hobbit #thelordoftherings #gandalf #silmarillion #aragorn #legolas #fantasy #frodo #tolkiengesellschaft #sauron #tolkienart #tolkienfan #art #tolkienstammtisch #thesilmarillion #thranduil #bilbobaggins #mirkwood #gondor #lotrmemes #gimli #frodobaggins #mordor #peterjackson
#tolkien #lotr #lordoftherings #jrrtolkien #middleearth #thehobbit #hobbit #thelordoftherings #gandalf #silmarillion #aragorn #legolas #fantasy #frodo #tolkiengesellschaft #sauron #tolkienart #tolkienfan #art #tolkienstammtisch #thesilmarillion #thranduil #bilbobaggins #mirkwood #gondor #lotrmemes #gimli #frodobaggins #mordor #peterjackson