Tapes + CDs ONLY available today from STERILE RECORDS bandcamp.

These recordings are part of the POLLUTANT series, informed by the ongoing destruction of earth in the name of civilization in the name of greed and the fantasy of supremacy that must be ended.

Compared to the previous parts of this series, this one is rather quiet and melancholic - a sombre mixture of drum'n'drone with a few environmental recordings including those of acoustic instruments played in oppressive urban spaces for donations and a processed guitar recording of my friend P., that has been written during the eviction and destruction of the Hambacher Wald in favor of the ever expanding motorway network, a clear invitation to the fossil-fuel/rare-earth guzzling automobile culture to persist and by that continue to destroy this earth. I myself have tried for many years to defend some of the last remaining patches of forests and it’s inhabitants against these motorway expansions, that not only slice the habitats of wildlife into tiny pieces, but that are also the veins that pump the toxic sludge of capitalist trade, extraction and exploitation into the most remote places.

Power + Solidarity to all Forest / Land defenders + Water protectors.


Limited edition Tapes / CDrs + Pin available ONLY today from Sterile Records: sterilerecords.bandcamp.com/al

#coldsoresound #sterilerecords #nearfuture #pollutant #drumndrone #hambacherwald #hambacherforst #forestdefenders #waterprotectors #forestdefender #resistance #sombre #melancholic #noise #darkambient #anarxnoise #gonedark #pylon #grid #collapse

Last updated 2 years ago