Also Bay Area people: if you want a nice walk with lots and lots of dogs, try Wildcat Canyon in #richmond. I think I was the only person not with a dog there today.
#richmond #goodbois #dogsofbayarea
You’re a seriously lovely bunch of people here, so you deserve a treat, and it’s the festive season, after all. I present all the #goodbois from a recent trek along the Annapurna circuit in #Nepal.
#goodbois #Nepal #dogsofnepal #dogsofmastodon
Good bois in Roman Art 🐕
1) Hunting scene (Sousse Archaeological Museum, Tunisia).
2) Dog on a lead (Bardo Museum, Tunisia).
3) Dog hunting (within a Roman villa in Sicily).
4) Boy with puppy (Palace of Constantine the Great, Istanbul).
#art #mosaic #RomanArt #dogs #goodbois #dogsinart
Monday holiday in the park, Tesla taking a break with her friend Luna #doggos #pets #dogofmastdon #dogs #mondog #mondogday #goodbois
#doggos #pets #dogofmastdon #dogs #mondog #mondogday #goodbois