I can recommend the book "Fire Weather" by John Vaillant. A multi-perspective, detailed, riveting and respectful recounting of the Fort McMurray fire. But way more. The FMM fire is nestled into the story of fire, in it's many forms & spanning an incredible range of time. And both stories are woven into a comprehensive look at climate change. #goodbook #fire #ClimateChange #Books #Vaillant #FireWeather #FortMcMurray #GoodReads #audiobook
#audiobook #GoodReads #fortmcmurray #FireWeather #vaillant #Books #ClimateChange #fire #goodbook
When I arrived at Mastodon I followed people willy nilly. Recommended lists, a single interesting post? Followed.
I have an interesting feed!
So I don't remember who to thank for discussing & recommending #Wool
Borrowed the audio book from the library. It took an hour (I almost turned it off) and then it got good. Consistently good. Reminds me of classic #sciencefiction
#goodbook thank you to someone.
#goodbook #sciencefiction #wool
"...something is happening worldwide. .. threshold of current society and maybe..."
YouTube https://youtu.be/HwPAiOtCHpQ
Web www.JeremyPBoggess.com
FREE #ebook USA & Canada https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W4MBH47
#ebook #ebooks #Books #book #indieread #indiereader #goodbook #art
"...something is happening worldwide. ... threshold of current society and maybe..."
YouTube https://youtu.be/HwPAiOtCHpQ
Web www.JeremyPBoggess.com
FREE #ebook USA & Canada https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W4MBH47
#ebook #ebooks #Books #book #future #goodbook #amazon #tomorrow
I am just > 35% through the book #WeAreElectric by #SallyAdee and it's gotten very good. At 10% in, I was still evaluating. But it's building and weaving beautifully a story of #medicalhistory and #evolution that's becoming fascinating. I'm learning and simultaneously impressed by it's flow, it's organization & the narrator's delivery. (I realized I was listening at 0.85 speed early on. LOL once I corrected that it also got better)
#goodbook #Science #bookreview #evolution #medicalhistory #sallyadee #weareelectric
Reading is a workout for your...
#mentalhealth #reading #knowledge #power #brainhealth #activity #goodbook #goodread #wellness #imagination #memory
#Memory #imagination #wellness #GoodRead #goodbook #activity #brainhealth #power #knowledge #reading #mentalhealth
Such a lovely way to end the day- reading a #GoodBook and #listening to BBC Radio 3 #NightTracks #listeningto
#listeningto #NightTracks #listening #goodbook
Another wow book, gleaned from the list of indigenous sci-fi/fantasy I posted a few days ago. The author here is an Australian Aboriginal woman.
#IndigenousScienceFiction #IndigenousAuthors #GoodBook #IndigenousPostApocalypticFiction #PostApocalypticFiction
#indigenoussciencefiction #indigenousauthors #goodbook #indigenouspostapocalypticfiction #postapocalypticfiction
Two fab books I've read recently: I Wanted To Be Close To You by Katie Oliver - A collection of dark, gleefully sinister & delicious short stories which are perfect, off-kilter morsels revealing relationships, nature, technology & humanity in nightmarishly unsettling ways. Beautiful & haunting. #ShortStories #GoodBook
RT @MaktabaMashina2@twitter.com
#goodbook #books #goodreads
Source: Books Rock My World
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MaktabaMashina2/status/1587709586676523008
Sometimes I find an otherwise readable and clever book hard to read. Now I am forcing myself through a book on legitimacy. Sometimes it makes me crazy mad, sometimes I enjoy it but for the most part I focus on trying to not skip too much lines before turning the page. Frankly, this book lost me when it was so self-confident from the bery beginning about certain issues I find deeply puzzling and difficult to deal with. Since then I just feel excluded somehow. #goodbook #badbook #boring