Happy New Year! #hny #hny2023 #goodbye2022hello2023 #goodbye2022
#hny #hny2023 #goodbye2022hello2023 #goodbye2022
Happy New Year
#happynewyear #goodbye2022 #goodbye2022hello2023 #hello2023 #fireworks #london #londonfireworks #allypally
#happynewyear #goodbye2022 #goodbye2022hello2023 #hello2023 #fireworks #london #londonfireworks #allypally
#Silvester-Menü nach #DinnerForOne
im Überblick
Kabeljau auf Maronenspiegel mit Kohlrabi-Herzen
Gegrillte Hähnchenkeulen mit eingelegten Bratkartoffeln und Mausohrsalat
Sahnejoghurt mit roter Kiwi, Himbeeren und Heidelbeeren
#goodbye2022hello2023 #dinnerforone #silvester
Last few hours of my sabbatical the only thing I want to keep going from 2022. The rest happy to say goodbye!! #BeTheBestYouCanBe #Welcome2023 #HappyNewYear #goodbye2022hello2023
#goodbye2022hello2023 #happynewyear #welcome2023 #bethebestyoucanbe
"My social media accounts reflect my chronological age in exquisitely: 1000s of followers on #Twitter, 100s on #Facebook, low triple digits on #Instagram, & 23 on #TikTok."--"4 Homes, 1 Beard: 2022" by
@markaldrich (https://wp.me/p49Ewg-3WW). #goodbye2022hello2023 #NewYear
#twitter #facebook #instagram #tiktok #goodbye2022hello2023 #newyear
Guten Rutsch & Happy New Year! #hny #hny2023 #goodbye2022hello2023 #goodbye2022
#hny #hny2023 #goodbye2022hello2023 #goodbye2022