Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
36 followers · 227 posts · Server

Now I've returned to mentions and the fresh horror of 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' can we all please just take a moment to enjoy the dialogue of this series?
My favourites are:
"Goodbye, Darth." which delivered epic amounts of 'My name is Major, and I give my consent" vibes; and,
"I see your strength has returned. But the weakness remains!" (Jesus wept, that whole sequence, though.)

Special mention to "I was always here, Obi-Wan, you were not ready to see." because Luke would like a word about your force ghost technology.

No. Stop with that. Stop it now.

-WanKenobi -GonJin

#starwars #obi #darthvader #qui #lukeskywalker #goodbyedarth

Last updated 2 years ago