The news of the death of the firefighter and the news of the worker crushed to death in London bring home the #fragility of life. Two people just going to work and never coming home.
RIP gentlemen. Sincere condolences to their families and friends.
Always kiss your loved ones.
#Life #goodbyes #LovedOnes #Kiss
#fragility #Life #goodbyes #lovedones #Kiss
Today we’re having a goodbye party for our dear Rocky, who is 18 1/2 years old. He has told us he’s ready, and we make an appointment with our vet to come to the house. Yesterday was cold, but there was no wind and the sun was out. We took the dogs for a walk. Rocky is the one in the stroller, although he did walk for about 15 minutes. #Dogs #Poodles #goodbyes #DogsOfMastodon
#dogs #poodles #goodbyes #dogsofmastodon
Uvalde grieves, says goodbyes at visitations, funerals - ABC News #uvalde #grieves #says #goodbyes #visitations #funerals #news #31maggio
#31maggio #news #funerals #visitations #goodbyes #says #grieves #Uvalde
Choreographer isayhousayya
Special thanks to