Dive into these nice games 💚 #greengamejam #goodgame
Kotaku: The 12 Best Games For Android https://kotaku.com/the-12-best-games-for-android-5878879 #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #blizzardentertainment #purchasefromgoogle #martinscorsese #creativeworks #windowsgames #videogaming #hearthstone #zackzwiezen #johnwalker #videogames #videogame #harrybeck #nintendo #blizzcon #goodgame #benbrode #tokaido #hitman #kotaku #sports #iphone #google #ipad #rpg #ps3
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #blizzardentertainment #purchasefromgoogle #martinscorsese #creativeworks #windowsgames #videogaming #hearthstone #zackzwiezen #johnwalker #videogames #videogame #harrybeck #nintendo #blizzcon #goodgame #benbrode #tokaido #Hitman #sports #iPhone #google #ipad #rpg #ps3
Good Game - Stitchface
#music #indie #indierock #mathrock #indiemusic #goodgame
What’s the best reason you’ve given #inspiration for / what is the best reason you’ve seen?
Once, two players at the Tuesday club both wanted the same pizza, but the store only had one left. They agreed to buy a second one and share both. The earned OOC inspiration for the good pizza etiquette.
#inspiration #dnd #rpg #goodgame
@adrianan @ashreyajayaram @lichess I'm always afraid to sacrifice my queen... 😜
#GoodGame but in HD: https://youtu.be/H5Kx5Yxl5n4?t=84
#goodgame #gg #tng #startrekthenextgeneration #startrektng
I have a hypothesis for the origin of the #gg or #GoodGame expression used in a competitive video game context: it comes from Star Trek TNG S04e26, when Guinan beats Worf at phaser target pratice and tells him "Good Game":
I haven't been able to disprove this theory yet, but I'm looking for input ! :boost_ok:
#gg #goodgame #stratrek #tng #videogames