"The Twin Cities is now the only major U.S. metropolitan area to bring inflation below the Fed target of 2% — thanks to an aggressive push to make housing more affordable."
#TwinCities #MSP #Minneapolis #StPaul #Minnesota #economics #goodGovernment
#twincities #msp #minneapolis #stpaul #minnesota #economics #goodgovernment
It’s things like AirNow and weather.gov that remind me of an guy I knew from a cheeseshop. He used to be in the Navy, was responsible for the weather forecast. He liked to observe, “The National Weather Service isn’t trying to sell you anything.”
#goodgovernment #nationalweatherservice #aqi
TIL: The US government has a very functional website dedicated to air quality. https://www.airnow.gov/aqi/
#outside #airquality #goodgovernment
When attacking the left (aka “owning the libs) results in diminishing returns…
And as the right becomes more desperate…
It won’t take much to turn on each other or go off the rails.
The @GOP is focusing more on #politicalstunts and not #GoodGovernment
It just goes to show, when it comes to running the government, you are either a pro(fessional) or a con(servative).
#politicalstunts #goodgovernment
https://techcrunch.com/2023/02/01/valuebase-backed-by-sam-altmans-hydrazine-raises-1-6-million-seed-round/ I’m excited to see better property valuation tech get funding. An upsetting amount of this work is still pen and paper today #taxreform #goodgovernment #realestate
#taxreform #goodgovernment #realestate
@GordonOfSeattle Right, it may be that subsidized storage of dangerous private motor vehicles is the best and highest use of public land in a historic district. If not though, there should be a process to fix. How about #trees ? #aesthetics #publicland #goodgovernment #preservation #waroncars #climate
#trees #aesthetics #publicland #goodgovernment #preservation #waroncars #climate
This morning we got to meet with Superintendent Rocky Hanna. I appreciate him taking the time to discuss how we work together to serve our #community.
#LeonCounty #goodgovernment #Tallahassee
#community #leoncounty #goodgovernment #tallahassee
They try to dock you and if you complain they doxx you. #goodgovernment #robodebt
#ElephantInTheRoom #KochNetwork #Billionaires - own #Legislators Globally
Get 💰💰💰💰💰 out of #politics #government
#Corruption is the downfall of #democracy / #GoodGovernment
#elephantintheroom #kochnetwork #billionaires #legislators #politics #government #corruption #democracy #goodgovernment