#GiftArticle about #Crafters #aroundTheWorld who #finishProjects started by folks who have #died or become #incapacitated #illness
#knitting #crocheting #quilting #unfinishedProjects #UFOs #lovedOnes #handiwork #laborOfLove #goodGuys #DoTheRightThing
#giftarticle #crafters #aroundtheworld #finishprojects #died #incapacitated #illness #looseends #knitting #crocheting #quilting #unfinishedprojects #ufos #lovedones #handiwork #laboroflove #goodguys #dotherightthing
Woke up to some interesting news today. It would appear that the #HiveRansomware Gang has been taken down. https://www.scmagazine.com/analysis/ransomware/notice-on-hive-ransomware-site-claims-seizure-by-fbi-europol?external_id=HBwZ-n4B490LDY0Z-dKj&external_id_source=mrkto&mkt_tok=MTg4LVVOWi02NjAAAAGJjgDjxI7Quxnvn1dDKVtkFHU7zdk93j0TL7ocD2SwuAAcr1k2YbWxSGv7tfEHn6GOvCcebcAwc3X5co3AlFFNixo9Hty9BWX4VsvTCEiG_Q
I checked around some #DarkWeb forums, and it would appear this actually happened in a joint, international effort. The #USDOJ claims to have "hacked the hackers", took down their #TOR site, and have apparently #decrypted 1500 companies. If it sticks, this is a big win for the #GoodGuys. Bye bye #Hive!
#hiveransomware #darkweb #usdoj #tor #decrypted #goodguys #hive
Just getting to grips with this new platform. I've chucked in a few quid as it's a cool thing to support the #goodguys
Darren aka Scask
#SecretSanta #helpOthers #helpingOthers #helpAsYouCan #HolidayHelpers #GoodGuys #Community #DoTheRightThing
#mitzvah #tzedakah #mensch
https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/12/24/poor-kids-christmas-gifts-secret-santa/ @washingtonpost
Used up all my gift articles but you can work with cookies to read this anyway.
#secretsanta #helpothers #helpingothers #helpasyoucan #holidayhelpers #goodguys #community #dotherightthing #mitzvah #tzedakah #mensch
Rising, Burning Tides:
- #Pink #snow: peril for #American West
- #Michigan will be as #hot as #Georgia by 2100
- #IndoPacific #ocean #warming increases
- The #TVA keeps us hooked on #FossilFuels
- #BigOil bullies want to be the #GoodGuys
- #COP15 is watered down
- #Population #disruption from #decarbonization
- #Manchin's #oil #pipeline "reform" creates spills
- #GOP plans #investigation of #climate groups
These stories & more at:
#pink #snow #american #michigan #hot #Georgia #indopacific #ocean #warming #tva #fossilfuels #bigoil #goodguys #cop15 #population #disruption #decarbonization #manchin #oil #pipeline #gop #investigation #climate
...and... it worked! Good Guys did a great job on the caps and we've got our overworked 90's grooves back, including the legally disputed SR-JV80-06 Dance card loops. Started the refurbs and upgrades today, with mod#1 done, the IEC socket to replace that pesky fixed power cord.
#roland #xp80 #synth #diy #goodguys
...and... it worked! Good Guys did a great job on the caps and we've got our overworked 90's grooves back, including the legally disputed SR-JV80-06 Dance card loops. Started the refurbs and upgrades today, with mod#1 done, the IEC socket to replace that pesky fixed power cord.
#roland #xp80 #synth #diy #goodguys
woohoo! Just got my XP-80 main board back from a full re-capping job. Can't wait to get it fired up again (I hope!).
Those 25-year-old aluminum caps finally gave up after sitting there constantly on for years at a time, for some reason... ;-|
I sent it over to The Good Guys in St. Paul to get the job done right. If it works I'll do some more repairs and upgrades to the old beast...
#roland #xp80 #synth #diy #goodguys
woohoo! Just got my XP-80 main board back from a full re-capping job. Can't wait to get it fired up again (I hope!).
Those 25-year-old aluminum caps finally gave up after sitting there constantly on for years at a time, for some reason... ;-|
I sent it over to The Good Guys in St. Paul to get the job done right. If it works I'll do some more repairs and upgrades to the old beast...
#roland #xp80 #synth #diy #goodguys
Soooo a good story about a good corporation. #Costco recently got into a dust up with one of its investors. CitiGroup took the Costco Admins to task for not marking up their prices due to the higher costs from inflation. See the posts below. They insist people would be happy to absorb the costs. Costco stood their ground and kept the stable prices as opposed to gouging the public.
#costco #goodcorporation #goodguys
@FeedingTubePaul It sounded like an onion, so I went and double checked. OMG.
But yeah, the answer is more guns in school. The real #GoodGuys know accidents happen, so you don't have a #gun out unless you plan to use it, and you never use a loaded weapon except in said case above.
I am also looking for accounts to follow as well. People that #thinkfreely yet think before they #speak is becoming harder and harder to find #goodguys only.