New at Nature :: Spirit!
"Trusting Inner Knowing"
In a world that trains us to listen to others first, how do we come to recognize and trust what we know in that still place inside? On laying down arms against ourselves--and against nature. Because what's inside us and what's outside us is all the same nature.
#knowing #heart #InnerKnowing #StillSmallVoice #GoodMind
22 mins listening
#goodmind #stillsmallvoice #innerknowing #heart #knowing
Brand new at Nature::Spirit!
"The Knowing Inside"
Or, how hard it is to listen to your own heart in a world that demands that you listen to everyone else first.
#knowing #InnerKnowing #epistemology #authoritarianism #GoodMind
#goodmind #authoritarianism #epistemology #innerknowing #knowing