Gizmodo: NASA Astronaut Frank Rubio Inadvertently Breaks Record for Longest U.S. Space Mission #internationalspacestation #goodmorningamerica #issyearlongmission #nasaastronautcorps #sergeyprokopyev #dmitripetelin #marktvandehei #inspaceflight #markvandehei #spacexcrew5 #frankrubio #astronaut #soyuzms23 #soyuzms22 #inrussia #soyuzms #spacex
#internationalspacestation #goodmorningamerica #issyearlongmission #nasaastronautcorps #sergeyprokopyev #dmitripetelin #marktvandehei #inspaceflight #markvandehei #spacexcrew5 #frankrubio #astronaut #soyuzms23 #soyuzms22 #inrussia #soyuzms #spacex
As the initiative #GuteMission (the former "Café Kyiv" when it started) just got part of this wonderful #GoodMOrningAmerica TV #magazine, here is more:
1️⃣ the WE AID page of the initiative:
2️⃣ the #GMA #mag 5 mins #video on #youtube for you:
3️⃣ Let´s do this! 😇
#yesWEAID #humanitarianaid #refugees #newstart #worldrefugeeday #emergencyaid #nothilfe #socent #entrepreneur #Education #Cooking #kindness #liveunited #founders #news
#EmergencyAid #WorldRefugeeDay #founders #LiveUnited #kindness #Cooking #Education #entrepreneur #socent #nothilfe #newstart #Refugees #humanitarianaid #yesweaid #YouTube #Video #mag #gma #magazine #goodmorningamerica #gutemission #TV #News
Jennifer Lawrence Interrupted by Jack Nicholson at Oscars | Good Morning America | ABC News
#ABC #abcnews #academyawards #academyawards2013 #annehathaway #bestactress2013 #bestoscarmoments #georgestephanopoulos #gma #GoodMorningAmerica(TVProgram) #JackNicholsonoscars #jenniferlawrence #jenniferlawrenceoscarfall #jenniferlawrenceoscars #Oscars2013 #oscarsbestmoments #oscarsbestof #Sethmacfarlane #silverliningsplaybook #ジェニファー・ローレンス
#abc #abcnews #academyawards #academyawards2013 #annehathaway #bestactress2013 #bestoscarmoments #georgestephanopoulos #gma #goodmorningamerica #jacknicholsonoscars #jenniferlawrence #jenniferlawrenceoscarfall #jenniferlawrenceoscars #oscars2013 #oscarsbestmoments #oscarsbestof #sethmacfarlane #silverliningsplaybook #ジェニファー・ローレンス
It's telling that Tim Cook's only interview on the #Apple #VisionPro was not with a tech influencer, but the 60 year old host of ABC's #GoodMorningAmerica. With 4M viewers of primarily 25-54 years old.
This is counter to the speculation that #VisionPro will be a soft release to the tech die-hard. They will be the first adopters but the intention is the masses.
Robin was also the only journalist filmed using it. After 30 mins of intuitively doing ordinary tasks she said, 'I could live here'.
#apple #visionpro #goodmorningamerica
Lindsay Lohan Abuse Video | Claims Fiance Is Assaulting Her
#egortarabasov #gma #goodmorningamerica #lindsaylohan #lindsaylohan2016 #LindsayLohanabuse #LindsayLohanAssaultImages #LindsayLohanAssaultVideo #lindsaylohanbalcony #lindsaylohanbeachfight #lindsaylohanconfessionsofabrokenheart #lindsaylohaninterview #lindsaylohanoprah #lindsaylohanover #LindsayLohanSongs #リンジー・ローハン
#egortarabasov #gma #goodmorningamerica #lindsaylohan #lindsaylohan2016 #lindsaylohanabuse #lindsaylohanassaultimages #lindsaylohanassaultvideo #lindsaylohanbalcony #lindsaylohanbeachfight #lindsaylohanconfessionsofabrokenheart #lindsaylohaninterview #lindsaylohanoprah #lindsaylohanover #lindsaylohansongs #リンジー・ローハン
Saturday, April 29 #goodMorningAmerica via @PodcastAddict
Song of the Day April 14 2023
In honor of the birth of Shawntae Harris-Dupart bka Da Brat
Da Brat - Married and expecting at 48 (from ABC's "Good Morning America")
#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2023 #April14 #ShawntaeHarrisDupart #DaBrat #GoodMorningAmerica #GMA #Interview #PregnantAt48 #Rapper #2020s
#songoftheday #sotd #sotd2023 #april14 #shawntaeharrisdupart #dabrat #goodmorningamerica #gma #interview #pregnantat48 #rapper #2020s
Good News Fridays: New Book Aims To Teach Children How To Recognize And Understand Disabilities
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays
#GoodNewsStuff #CoolStuff #GoodMorningAmerica #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #LikeMeBook #NewBookAimsToTeachChildrenHowToRecognizeAndUnderstandDisabilities
#goodnewsstuff #coolstuff #goodmorningamerica #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #likemebook #newbookaimstoteachchildrenhowtorecognizeandunderstanddisabilities
Zara Larsson performs ‘Can’t Tame Her’ on ‘GMA’ l GMA
#ABC #abcnews #album #artist #can'ttameherzaralarsson #can'ttameherzaralarssonlyrics #cant #gma #goodmorningamerica #her #larsson #Multi #Music #newzaralarssonalbum #newzaralarssonmusic #NEWS #p_cmsid=2494279 #p_vid=news-97735000 #perform #Performer #platinum #pop #Singer #tame #ZARA #zaralarsson #zaralarssongoodmorningamerica #ZaraLarssonsongs #ザラ・ラーソン
#abc #abcnews #album #artist #can #cant #gma #goodmorningamerica #her #larsson #multi #music #newzaralarssonalbum #newzaralarssonmusic #news #p_cmsid #p_vid #perform #performer #platinum #pop #singer #tame #zara #zaralarsson #zaralarssongoodmorningamerica #zaralarssonsongs #ザラ・ラーソン
Good News Fridays: Veteran Anonymously Paid For People’s Medicine For A Decade
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama
#GoodNewsStuff #CBSEveningNews #CoolStuff #GeraldineAlabama #GoodMorningAmerica #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #HodyChildress #OnTheRoadwith SteveHartman #VeteranAnonymouslyPaidForPeople'sMedicineForADecade
#goodnewsstuff #cbseveningnews #coolstuff #geraldinealabama #goodmorningamerica #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #hodychildress #ontheroadwith #veterananonymouslypaidforpeople
Our #LittleFreeLibrary was selected to receive 2 copies of the #GMABookClub pick for February!
📚 RIVER SING ME HOME by Eleanor Shearer is a gut wrenching story of, Rachel, an enslaved mother’s journey to find her children who were taken and sold. Set in the Caribbean, during the aftermath of the 1833 Slavery Abolition Act, Rachel’s story is one of bravery, determination, strength, resilience and the power of love.
#RiverSingMeHome #EleanorShearer #BookClub #Bookstadon #GoodMorningAmerica
#goodmorningamerica #bookstadon #bookclub #eleanorshearer #riversingmehome #gmabookclub #littlefreelibrary
Lovers (Or Not!) TJ Holmes And Amy Robach OUT At Good Morning America—Here's What We Know | #australianbroadcastingcorporation #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #televisionintheunitedstates #goodmorningamerica #television #amyrobach #tjholmes #abcnews #robach #amy
#australianbroadcastingcorporation #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #televisionintheunitedstates #goodmorningamerica #Television #amyrobach #tjholmes #abcnews #robach #amy
This is just to say that I’m going to be on tomorrow 1/26 at 1pm est! 😬 May the Karens be kind. 🙏 #baltimoresaltbox #gma3 #goodmorningamerica
#baltimoresaltbox #gma3 #goodmorningamerica
Got excited #today when they said on #GoodMorningAmerica that coming up they would let us know the release date of season 3 of #TedLasso ... missed the announcement, so I googled it.
Imagine my disappointment when all the answers just said "Spring 2023". WTH, bitches?? 1) I already figured as much and 2) we may all be dead by then
#today #goodmorningamerica #tedlasso
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes Likely to Be Booted Off 'GMA3' #Jezebel #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #televisionintheunitedstates #americantelevisionseries #goodmorningamerica #andrewbrettler #humaninterest #amyrobach #tjholmes #abcnews #robach
#jezebel #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #televisionintheunitedstates #americantelevisionseries #goodmorningamerica #andrewbrettler #humaninterest #amyrobach #tjholmes #abcnews #robach
GMA3 Cohosts T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach Take Their Relationship Public on the Beaches of Miami | #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #televisionintheunitedstates #goodmorningamerica #marlieefiebig #nathanielshue #andrewshue #amyrobach #tjholmes #robach
#televisionnewsintheunitedstates #televisionintheunitedstates #goodmorningamerica #marlieefiebig #nathanielshue #andrewshue #amyrobach #tjholmes #robach
Mission #AstroAccess is testing how to put astronauts with #disability in #space with microgravity test flights! Check out this #GoodMorningAmerica clip to see this amazing project – and also my awesome spouse in the background in a few shots, leading the #spaceMedicine support crew!
#astroaccess #disability #space #goodmorningamerica #spacemedicine
Amy Robach Is Already Receiving Public Sympathy. Here's Why She Doesn't Deserve Any | #televisionnewsintheunitedstates #televisionintheunitedstates #americantelevisionnetworks #entertainment2cculture #goodmorningamerica #humaninterest #amyrobach #tjholmes #abcnews #robach #amy
#televisionnewsintheunitedstates #televisionintheunitedstates #americantelevisionnetworks #entertainment2cculture #goodmorningamerica #humaninterest #amyrobach #tjholmes #abcnews #robach #amy
Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison Reportedly Spotted at a Coffee Shop in Manhattan With FTX Dog ‘Gopher’ - On Dec. 4, 2022, the Twitter account and citizen journalist called Autism Capital ... - #ellisonexplainsbalancesheet #newyorkattorney’soffice #twitterspacesinterview #groundsupportcoffee #autismcapitaltweet #goodmorningamerica #mysteriouspartners
#mysteriouspartners #goodmorningamerica #autismcapitaltweet #groundsupportcoffee #twitterspacesinterview #newyorkattorney #ellisonexplainsbalancesheet
This is absolutely one of the reasons I love Anthony Rapp (@albinokid) so much🥰🥰🥰🥰
He really do care about other people and his fans🥰
#anthonyrapp #adampascal #daphnerubinvega #frediwalkerbrowne #jessielmartin #wilsonjermaineheredia #tayediggs #idinamenzel #traciethoms #jonathanla #rentthemusical #goodmorningamerica #letusshowsomelove❤️ #followthisaccount
#AnthonyRapp #adampascal #daphnerubinvega #frediwalkerbrowne #jessielmartin #wilsonjermaineheredia #tayediggs #idinamenzel #TracieThoms #jonathanla #rentthemusical #goodmorningamerica #letusshowsomelove #followthisaccount