#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #AugustBankHolidayMonday...!
#IF you're #Sensing some #DΓ©jΓ Vu; that's because, we've been here before, quite recently... #IT's #VeryMuchLike #AnotherSunday... There may be #BaconBagels....
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #augustbankholidaymonday #if #sensing #dejavu #it #verymuchlike #anothersunday #baconbagels
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappyWednesday...!
#DontForget: #WhiteRussianWednesdays
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappywednesday #dontforget #whiterussianwednesdays #yourewelcome
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #CatInTheHaturday...!
#So... #SpaceKarenX can't #MakeSense out of #Blocking; wait until he tries to understand #SapphireAndSteel...
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Sapphire and Steel: Episode 1 - Spanish Subtitle
#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #catinthehaturday #so #spacekarenx #makesense #blocking #sapphireandsteel
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #CatInTheHaturday...!
#So... #SpaceKarenX can't #MakeSense out of #Blocking; wait until he tries to understand #SapphireAndSteel...
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Sapphire and Steel TV Intro
#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #catinthehaturday #so #spacekarenx #makesense #blocking #sapphireandsteel
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #ZombieJesusChocolateDay....!
Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom...
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Zombie Jesus Chocolate Day
#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #zombiejesuschocolateday
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #TrueTrueTuesday...!
"A #Tuesday without #Truth is like a #Tory without #Corruption..."
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #truetruetuesday #tuesday #truth #tory #corruption
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #FancyHatFurzday...!
#MyLittleBigBuddy is #Beginning to #Surface; #IT's #JustAsWell that there's #AnotherPotOfCoffee on the #Go, aye...
#Today, we shall be in #TheOutside and we're going to #BeMoreViking...
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #fancyhatfurzday #mylittlebigbuddy #beginning #surface #it #justaswell #anotherpotofcoffee #go #Today #theoutside #bemoreviking
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #TrueTrueTuesday...!
#TheFuture is #Bright; #IT has #RestingMadonnaFace in IT...
#IT's #True! #HappyHappy #TrueTrueTuesday!
Also: #DontDrinkBleach
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #truetruetuesday #thefuture #bright #it #restingmadonnaface #True #dontdrinkbleach
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #HappyBaconSammidgeDay...!
Have we all #SleptWell and #LookingForward to #TheWeekend...?
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The Hearts Filthy Lesson (Trent Reznor Alternative Mix)
#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #happybaconsammidgeday #sleptwell #lookingforward #TheWeekend
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #HappyBaconBagelDay...! #Today's #BaconBagels are to be #Substitutued with #Pizza...
#HappyHappy #HappyPizzaForBrunchDay...!
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #happybaconbagelday #Today #baconbagels #substitutued #pizza #happypizzaforbrunchday #looknopizzaboxes
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #TrueTrueTuesday...!
#TheFuture is #Bright; #IT has a #BeefCasserole and #TortillaSevillana in #IT...
#IT's #True! #HappyHappy #TrueTrueTuesday!
Also: #DontEatFurniturePolish
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #truetruetuesday #thefuture #bright #it #beefcasserole #tortillasevillana #True #donteatfurniturepolish
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #SnugglyNapSunday...!
Why are #SundayNaps the #BestNaps...?
Are you #SnugglyBlanketReady...? #YouKnow before #BingAI #TakesOverTheWorld...
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #snugglynapsunday #sundaynaps #bestnaps #snugglyblanketready #youknow #bingai #takesovertheworld
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #StillAliveSaturday...!
I hope you've all #RestedWell and have #FunThings to do...
1: #Twitter is still a #DumpsterFire
2: #Mastadon is #Lovely; and,
3: #Spoutible is also #Lovely.
And, #Tonight I shall be a #BiscuitGuzzling #MemeLord... #MisterDenSaysSo...
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #stillalivesaturday #restedwell #funthings #twitter #dumpsterfire #mastadon #lovely #spoutible #tonight #biscuitguzzling #memelord #misterdensaysso
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #TrueTrueTuesday!
#IT's another #FrostyFrizzly #Start to the #Day and a #PerfectDay for #Exploring the #OuterReaches of #Space with a #CrackTeam of #AnimatedManiacs...
#PoweredBy: #FloofsAndSparkles and #Biscuits
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #truetruetuesday #it #frostyfrizzly #start #day #perfectday #exploring #outerreaches #Space #crackteam #animatedmaniacs #poweredby #floofsandsparkles #biscuits
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #StillAliveSaturday...!
I hope you've all #RestedWell and have #FunThings to do...
1: #Twitter is still a #DumpsterFire
2: #Mastadon is #Lovely; and,
3: #Spoutible is also #Lovely.
And, #Tonight I shall be playing:
#TheMostExpensiveGame of #Battleships I've ever played...
2 x #MicrosoftSurfacePro(s) will #BattleItOut...
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #stillalivesaturday #restedwell #funthings #twitter #dumpsterfire #mastadon #lovely #spoutible #tonight #themostexpensivegame #battleships #microsoftsurfacepro #battleitout
#GoodMorningHorn and #HappyHappy #HappyMonday...!
Are we all #LookingForward to #AnotherWeek of #Chaos, #Death and #StateSanctionedLarceny...?
While we're #AllWaiting for this #ExtinctionEvent; #BestStockUp on #Wine, #Cheese and #Biscuits...
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#goodmorninghorn #happyhappy #happymonday #lookingforward #anotherweek #chaos #death #statesanctionedlarceny #allwaiting #extinctionevent #beststockup #wine #cheese #biscuits