Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
Global News BC: Feel Good Friday: Global BC’s highlights of the week #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #GlobalBCgoodnews #GoodnewsGlobalBC #Goodnewsthisweek #Feel-goodFriday #GoodNewsFriday #BCgoodnews #Trending #goodnews
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #GlobalBCgoodnews #goodnewsglobalbc #goodnewsthisweek #Feel #goodnewsfriday #BCgoodnews #trending #goodnews
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
@sentimentaldom my Good News Friday is that I made a #fetish video that went semi viral online and attracted new folks to know about #technosexuality and #MaleAndroids . I've had guys tell me they felt alone and ashamed before, but now they realize there is a larger community out there that they can be a part of! 💙🌈🤖
#sentimentaldom #goodnewsfriday #maleandroids #technosexuality #fetish
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#sentimentaldom #goodnewsfriday
An RSV vaccine for infants could be coming soon...
#GoodNewsFriday #Vaccines #Vaccination #ChildHealth #PublicHealth
#goodnewsfriday #vaccines #vaccination #childhealth #publichealth
The California Department of Health Care Services has added doula services to the list of preventive services covered under the Medi-Cal program.
#GoodNewsFriday #MedMastodon #Medicaid #MediCal #MaternalHealth
#goodnewsfriday #MedMastodon #Medicaid #medical #maternalhealth
The California Department of Health Care Services has added dyadic care services (treating child and parent together) to the list of preventive services covered under the Medi-Cal program. Services are designed to support models of care that work within the pediatric clinic setting to identify and address caregiver and family risk factors for the benefit of the child. Details: #GoodNewsFriday #HealthCare #FamilyCenteredCare #MedMastodon @pediatrics @medmastodon
#goodnewsfriday #healthcare #familycenteredcare #MedMastodon
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
L.A. County-run hospitals could expand free and discounted care
#GoodNewsFriday #GoodNews #MedMastodon
Reporting by @Emilyalpertreyes at @latimes
#goodnewsfriday #goodnews #MedMastodon
Global News BC: Feel Good Friday: Global BC’s highlights of the week #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Feelgoodfridaynewsletter #BCgoodnewsthisweek #Goodnewsthisweek #Feel-goodFriday #GoodNewsFriday #GoodnewsinBC #BCgoodnews #Trending #goodnews
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #feelgoodfridaynewsletter #bcgoodnewsthisweek #goodnewsthisweek #Feel #goodnewsfriday #goodnewsinbc #BCgoodnews #trending #goodnews
From 2016 to 2021, the percentage of mothers who smoked cigarettes during pregnancy declined by more than one-third, from 7.2% to 4.6%, according to new analysis from CDC.
#GoodNewsFriday #GoodNews #PublicHealth #InfantHealth #MedMastodon @pediatrics
#goodnewsfriday #goodnews #publichealth #infanthealth #MedMastodon
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
A new study from CDC provides further evidence that Tdap vaccination during pregnancy helps protect newborns from whooping cough during their first two months of life.
#GoodNewsFriday #PublicHealth #Vaccination #Pediatrics #MaternalHealth #ChildHealth @publichealth @pediatrics
#goodnewsfriday #publichealth #vaccination #pediatrics #maternalhealth #childhealth
Good News Friday is a weekly post I started many years ago to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself or your week.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom
California High School Graduation Rate Improves In Post-COVID Rebound
#GoodNewsFriday #StudentData #Graduation #LearningLoss @edutooters
#goodnewsfriday #studentdata #graduation #learningloss
I started Good News Friday years ago as a weekly post on FB to remind us all to pause once in a while and acknowledge the good stuff around us. I’d like to bring a slightly modified version here as a way to encourage my beloved kinksters to pause and remember what’s good.
Consider it a weekly check in and a challenge for some of you. Tell me something good about yourself.
#goodnewsfriday #sentimentaldom