What Motivates an #Atheist to be a #GoodPerson?
#ethics #ethical #kind #compassion #humanity
#atheist #goodperson #ethics #ethical #kind #compassion #humanity
What Motivates an #Atheist to be a #GoodPerson?
#deconversion #atheism #deconstruction, #ethics #morality #beKind #humanity #religion #goodness #humanitarianism #compassion
#atheist #goodperson #deconversion #atheism #deconstruction #ethics #morality #bekind #humanity #religion #goodness #humanitarianism #compassion
A quotation from Gaiman, Neil:
The old woman took the umbrella, gratefully, and smiled her thanks. “You’ve a good heart,” she told him. “Sometimes that’s enough to see you safe wherever you go.” Then she shook her head. “But mostly, it’s not.”
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #blessing #goodperson #heart #kindness #protection #safety #virtue
#quote #quotes #quotation #Blessing #goodperson #heart #kindness #protection #safety #virtue
A quotation from McLaughlin, Mignon:
“Let your conscience be your guide” is a silly thing to say to a good man, or a bad one.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #badperson #conscience #goodperson #vice #virtue #wisdom
#quote #quotes #quotation #badperson #conscience #goodperson #vice #virtue #wisdom
I feel so sad that today when my partner stepped into an elevator a woman pulled out her keys as if to make sure she had them ready to defend herself.
She had no idea that she need not worry about him. And of course it made him sad. She didn't know that she was standing in an elevator with a hero, and that's because our society is so messed up that we can't tell who the good guys are. Aerio is the kind of person you want in your pocket when you're in a pinch.
Florence Pugh und Morgan Freeman helfen einander in „A Good Person“ durch eine schwere Zeit. Die Serie „Fünf Jahre“ zeigt uns zwei Erinnerungen an eine Nacht, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten, und ein Flugzeugabsturz über Amsterdam sorgt in „The Crash“ für wilde Spekulationen.
#florencepugh #goodperson #morganfreeman #waslauftheute
Going on a #MissionTrip Does Not Make You a #GoodPerson
#christianity #missions #prothlesizing #usVsThem #religion #freeLabor
#missiontrip #goodperson #christianity #missions #prothlesizing #usvsthem #religion #freelabor
Being a #GoodPerson isn't about #charity. That's you strategizing on the appearence of being #good. Being a good person is about choosing to be intentional regarding your impact on #people and the #world in every moment. When you mess it up, as all do sometimes, you hold yourself #accountable by being #honest, making #amends, repairing #harm. It's not a photo op, it's intent with action. #pandora
#goodperson #charity #good #people #world #accountable #honest #amends #harm #pandora
No one who cares about #life would be capable of protecting those who prey this way. Being a #goodperson on #camera while #preying in secret does not mean you are good. It means you are a charasmatic #abuser as many #narcissists are. The most #vulnerable suffer for it.
#life #goodperson #camera #preying #abuser #narcissists #vulnerable
If you #choose #torture you were never a #goodperson. After so many years of abuse, I still don't because THAT is how you develop #karma.
#choose #torture #goodperson #karma
If you spend time, money, energy, effort into projecting #lies that #harm, in NO WAY are you a #goodperson. You're a #narcissist if you believe you have a right to #harm others because you judged them worthy of #abuse. #sick! #Emotionalintelligence would teach you that if you had it.
#lies #harm #goodperson #narcissist #abuse #sick #emotionalintelligence
¡Hola hola amores! Un nuevo domingo y una nueva review en el canal, esta vez hablando sobre #GoodPerson 🙏 , el segundo álbum de estudio de #IngridAndress! 😜
life is full of fears, scare to do anything wrong, too delicate
Like waves, some come and go
Like rocks, some standfast
Time will tell, heart can feel
Today is my youngest day of my life, be courageous and live beautifully;
catching won’t work then relax~
#attractive #pretty #content #interesting #meaningoflife #yolo #fair #donoharm #thingscometoanend #eventually #noregrets #goodperson
#goodperson #noregrets #eventually #thingscometoanend #donoharm #fair #yolo #meaningoflife #interesting #content #pretty #attractive