PSiReN-X · @PSiReN
22 followers · 2063 posts · Server


: between one and another ...

🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🎈🐘🦹🦄🦹🐘🎈

#goodpoint #spotthedifference #capriciousegotisticalmaniac

Last updated 1 year ago

Dmitri Goosens :elephpant: · @dgoosens
340 followers · 1115 posts · Server

@sebsauvage @vicla

right, tu marques un point..
pour les conversations privées, FB aurait également accès aux infos des utilisateurs qui n'utilisent pas leur instance... Là il y a en effet un souci

Note que perso, je pense que c'est une très très mauvaise idée de passer par des messages privés ici pour discuter des choses aussi personnelles...


Last updated 1 year ago

Dаn̈ıel Раršlow · @pieist
71 followers · 64 posts · Server

"...Jeremy Clarkson’s grotesque description of his hatred of Meghan Markle—and the actual abuse that he’d like to see her physically subjected to—has actually served a surprising purpose.

"Thanks to him, every person who dismissed Markle and her husband’s claims ... now knows they weren’t exaggerating."


Last updated 2 years ago

Simon Walters · @cymplecy
255 followers · 1953 posts · Server
Digit · @digit
1 followers · 14 posts · Server
38:19 piercing clarity past the 's imaginary lines inducing madness believing its imaginary shackles

"that should be available
**you shouldn't have to be ill to get cannabis**
why should you be criminalised for having cannabis
**you should not have to wait to be ill before you are allowed to have cannabis**"

reject this

#goodpoint #bureaucrazy #catch22 #health #letfoodbeyourmedicine #lettherebeherb #restorecannabis #foodfuelfibermedicine #cannabis

Last updated 2 years ago

Digit · @digit
4 followers · 27 posts · Server
38:19 piercing clarity past the 's imaginary lines inducing madness believing its imaginary shackles

"that should be available
**you shouldn't have to be ill to get cannabis**
why should you be criminalised for having cannabis
**you should not have to wait to be ill before you are allowed to have cannabis**"

reject this

#goodpoint #bureaucrazy #catch22 #health #letfoodbeyourmedicine #lettherebeherb #restorecannabis #foodfuelfibermedicine #cannabis

Last updated 2 years ago

Digit · @digit
7 followers · 56 posts · Server
38:19 piercing clarity past the 's imaginary lines inducing madness believing its imaginary shackles

"that should be available
**you shouldn't have to be ill to get cannabis**
why should you be criminalised for having cannabis
**you should not have to wait to be ill before you are allowed to have cannabis**"

reject this

#cannabis #foodfuelfibermedicine #restorecannabis #lettherebeherb #letfoodbeyourmedicine #health #catch22 #bureaucrazy #goodpoint

Last updated 2 years ago

DansLeRuSH ᴱᶰ 🍥 · @danslerush
616 followers · 3833 posts · Server

« Superheroes usually manage to roll back the various apocalypses but rarely use their powers to build a better world. The villains are the ones constantly dreaming up big audacious schemes to transform the universe. »

#goodpoint #popculture #superheroes #marvel

Last updated 2 years ago

Ioan · @IoanSaid
251 followers · 867 posts · Server

Just had a really interesting chat with @GreenLaneBikeTours about & how should not be solely from the suburbs to the town centre but should also be planned thinking about the , , visiting parents if you're a

I thought it was an really good point!

#BikeTooter #biketoot #cycling #goodpoint #carer #foodshop #schoolrun #cyclelanes #activetravel

Last updated 2 years ago