Finished this wonderful book “The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida” by Shehan Karunatilaka on the train this morning. Now in that post-book mourning phase. It is a wonderful, beautiful, gripping story and really: just get yourselves into it. Will certainly read it again, once I’ve lent it to the many people I’ve promised it to! #recommendedbook #Goodreads
He intentado importar mis datos de #goodreads a #bookwyrm de nuevo.
Los resultados te sorprenderán:
113 elementos necesitan aprobación manual. Revisar elementos
247 elementos no se pudieron importar. Ver y solucionar los elementos fallidos
@gavi @TeaKayB I tried #Bookwyrm a while ago but I consistently had trouble with it not recognizing books. Maybe I should give it another look.
Personally I've been using #TheStoryGraph and am very happy with it! I mean, it's not perfect but it does what I need to do pretty well, and it's much cleaner than I remember #GoodReads being.
#Bookwyrm #thestorygraph #goodreads
@Kyrylys Es un identificador numérico que aparece en el enlace de un libro o edición particular en #Goodreads. Se utiliza como un método más para categorizar distintas versiones de una misma obra y, a su vez, para facilitar la importación de la actividad de aquellos usuarios que estén migrando a #BookWyrm.
OMG! Publishers Weekly gave a stellar review of Soul Jar, an anthology of stories written by disabled authors, and in it, they mention my story "Weightless" right from the get-go! This is definitely my favorite story I've ever written so I'm so glad to see it get some serious love! Soul Jar is due out 10/17 btw!
Pregunta: ¿Hay una alternativa a #Goodreads?
Recuerdo que lo mencionaron por mi feed hace tiempo, pero ya no recuerdo.
The favourite book review I have ever written. Inspired by Garth.
#books #bookstodon #garthmarenghisterrortome #goodreads
Bad Vibes Coming from #Amazon’s #Goodreads
I’d definitely recommend this book to my friends. It is a precious gift that can be passed on from generation to generation. It’s a lecture on the scriptures of God, it teaches children today how to pray and connect with God.
1 Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray without ceasing.
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #KindleUnlimited #kindle #teaching #bibleteaching #prayer #alifeofprayer #ebook #praying #prayingchildren #Kobo #prayerlife #prayerlifestyle #teachingchildrentopray #howtopray #prayers #typesofprayer #childrenprayer #prayerbook #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #kindlebooks #goodreads #childrenbooklover #kids #kidsbooks #childrenbooks #books
#childrensbook #christian #kidsbooks #Amazon #kindleunlimited #kindle #teaching #bibleteaching #prayer #alifeofprayer #ebook #praying #prayingchildren #kobo #prayerlife #prayerlifestyle #teachingchildrentopray #howtopray #prayers #typesofprayer #childrenprayer #prayerbook #paperbackbook #teachingkids #bible #ebooks #childrenbooks #kindlebooks #goodreads #childrenbooklover #kids #books
Y no olviden algo muy importante, amiguit@s: 🧛🏻♂️
#leer #lecturas #libros #librosrecomendados #literaverso #booktodon #terror #vampiros #goodreads #amazon
#leer #lecturas #libros #librosrecomendados #literaverso #booktodon #terror #vampiros #goodreads #amazon
Imported my #Libby history into #GoodReads, so I can import THAT into #HardcoverApp @hardcover
Had to fiddle a bit with the CSV file as GR marks anything not otherwise marked when importing, and that messes up my read count.
#hardcoverapp #goodreads #libby
I'm now on #GoodReads If you'd like to check out what's on my #bookshelves then click this link:
I'm now on #GoodReads If you'd like to check out what's on my bookshelves, click this link: 789891
Recién terminado de leer Espía De Dios, de Juan Gómez-Jurado.
La verdad es que ha sido el primer libro que leo de este autor y me ha enganchado bastante, creo que tendré que ir ahora a por los siguientes!!
Finished listening to “Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus. What a story! Bravo!
Do you use any app to track the books you read? I use #GoodReads but every time I open that thing I feel like I’m traveling back to the 90’s and it just doesn’t feel right or intuitive.
Ya podéis añadir #ParanoidKids2 a vuestra lista de próximas lecturas en #Goodreads… 😛
What a trip!
Finished listening to the audiobook read by the author. “How to Change Your Mind” by Michael Pollan.
#GoodReads #nonfiction #audiobook #psychedelics #neuroscience #outThere
#goodreads #nonfiction #audiobook #psychedelics #neuroscience #outthere
Just a for a different perspective: I tried #StoryGraph for a couple of years but gave up. I couldn't find any community there at all! The reviews all seemed to be buried under many clicks, and I'm not sure you could leave comments?
Currently I am tracking my books in both #GoodReads and #BookWyrm.
#StoryGraph #goodreads #Bookwyrm
Thanks for all the #Storygraph endorsements! I'm using it now and already like it way more than #Goodreads and #Bookwyrm put together.
Whenever I can fix my freaking Nextcloud server I'll leave a reminder to myself to report back on my feelings once the novelty wears off 😝
#StoryGraph #goodreads #Bookwyrm