Wow, only one more follower and I have 600 people to share my Toots with!
I am so grateful for finding this #fediverse world two months ago! Already had so many nice, real, good conversations. Never have I been on a social media for such a short period of time and having such a fulfilling social life already!
#fediverse #mastodon #ilovemastodon #fediverseforever #goodtalks
Let me #introduce myself: #sweet40; #SMArty (#SMA Type II); #workaholic; #thoughtful; #booklover: I used 2 hold #books in my hands - always - until they stopped working; #creativ; #dogmom; #blogger; #oceanworshiper; #sunchild; #chatty; #appleaddicted; #freespirit; #musicwhistlinggirl; #fullofdreams; #alien; #animallover; #openmindet; #crazy; #unstoppable; #nomorewithoutaudiobooks; #Iadoremotherearth; #sometimescomplicatedbuthonest - #looking4 #goodtalks & #soulmates 2 #rocktheworld #followfriday
#goodtalks #soulmates #rocktheworld #sometimescomplicatedbuthonest #sweet40 #smarty #sma #workaholic #thoughtful #booklover #books #creativ #dogmom #blogger #oceanworshiper #sunchild #chatty #appleaddicted #freespirit #musicwhistlinggirl #fullofdreams #alien #animallover #openmindet #crazy #unstoppable #nomorewithoutaudiobooks #iadoremotherearth #introduce #looking4 #followfriday