Alternative Open Source à Teams : Framatalk #Applications #Goodtech
Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 5 disponible : les nouveautés #GOODtech #Applications
GOODTECH recherche des rédacteurs free-lance #Goodtech
Quels sont les avantages d’une démarche de Green IT ? #GoodTech #Tribunes&Opinions #Goodtech
Le projet Debian a fêté ses 30 ans cette semaine #Goodtech #Agenda
Qui est Linus Torvalds, l’inventeur de Linux ? Quel a été son parcours ? #Tribunes&Opinions #Goodtech
OONI, le crowdsourcing contre la censure sur l’internet (GoodTech) #Goodtech #Études
Poll: Would you prefer big tech to work on:
#AiArt #AppleVisionPro #SpaceX #GoodTech
#aiart #applevisionpro #spacex #goodtech
#GoodMorningFriends ☕ ☕ 🐕 🐕 💞 💞
today I learned that there is a Blep Bot @blepbot and the bot overlord hand very kindly curates the bleps and I am so happy to live in the future like this!
#goodmorningfriends #blep #bots #goodtech
Tech et #GoodTech : les métiers IT continuent d'attirer
34 projets de recherche en résilience énergétique
#environnement #libre #goodtech
Nuclear fusion
Generative AI
Bee tracking
#goodtech #fusion #ai #beetracking #haiku #poetry
#haiku #poetry #goodtech #fusion #ai #beetracking
@h but this is still in material terms. I'm not concerned so much about availability of tech. What I'm concerned about is rates of cultural adaptation. Just because #goodtech exists doesn't mean my relatives and family are going to use it. I have tried and will continue to try. Going hardcore and cutting myself off from them by leaving facebook doesn't help either since I'm one of the very few people in their networks who does care enough to share info and discuss these issues.
@h totally agree #goodtech is an essential part of the toolkit within broader movements for democratic social change. Part of the challenge is in communicating that to activists. It's not enough to pose this as a individual choice. Networks, Groups and Organisations have responsibilities to support their communities in making transitions.
@h There are no doubt well intentioned #goodtech the problem is in the capacity of those projects to challenge power amassed through monopolies on network effects and scale that corporations like FB etc achieve. The mass manipulation of populations through misinformation for advertisers that includes political interest is dangerous. @cathal