I spent the three days at the #GoodTechFest in Washington D.C. It has given me a lot to think about. Including thoughts on how we support and fund PublicGoodTechnology. https://crank.report/how-do-we-value-public-good-technology
#TechSoup's Chief Community Impact Officer, @webb, will be speaking at this year's #GoodTechFest, on May 2nd at 7:30am PT.
Join us as we discuss the individuals and organizations involved in the creation, operation, and impact of public interest technologies. Use the code FRIEND100 to get a virtual ticket for free: http://spr.ly/6046OXzuq
#techsoup #goodtechfest #publicgoodtech #civilsociety #tech4good
RT @rosszb@twitter.com
I am looking forward to presenting virtually at #goodtechfest in a few weeks. I'll be talking about #openstreetmap and #SDGs. Amazing group of presenters, check it out: https://www.goodtechfest.com/agenda. You can register for free using code JOINUS. Hope to see you there!
#goodtechfest #OpenStreetMap #sdgs