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#Rente #Renten #Rentenversicherung
#Altersvorsorge #altersvorsorgeaufwendungen
#goodtoknow #rente #renten #rentenversicherung #altersvorsorge #altersvorsorgeaufwendungen
Jag har fått svar från Orklas kundservice, där jag frågade hur många gram aspartman som deras proteinshakes innehåller(de som man blandar själv).
Svar: 0,02–0,03 g aspartam per påse. #GoodToKnow
@rinders @petrosyan #goodtoknow: Du kannst Posts auch noch nachträglich editieren (evtl. Nicht in allen Apps verfügbar, aber im Web-Browser auf jeden Fall).
It is possible to link an OpenGPG-Key to an eID and your German Passport:
#goodtoknow #foundontheinternet
@NickGates So it's mud wrestling, groundhogs day, dancing, and doors that confound Worf. #GoodToKnow
Here's my Sunday PSA: Costco Tire Center is open on Sundays! Yes, if you have a busted tire (or two) on a Sunday, you're in luck. Our tow truck got there around 2 pm, and we were back on the road by 6 pm closing. File this top under #GoodToKnow
You have no idea how quickly the #VA will tell you that #YoureOnYourOwn
I also can’t tell you how it pains me to see it
How bad does it get? Let’s explore-
Anyone following knows I have #amnesia. With that in mind, how often do you think they have to put me in the position of quoting US regulations? (law- 28CFR: § 36.303 Aux. Aids and Services & § 301 36.403 - Alterations Path Of Travel)🧐
If you have #mobility or #memory #health issues, these apply at /most/ places. #ProTip #GoodToKnow ✅it
#goodtoknow #protip #health #memory #mobility #amnesia #YoureOnYourOwn #va
From fake train cancelations, to ATM skimming, to overpriced airport taxis and more, here are tips for avoiding 15 common travel scams.
#travel #tourism #traveltips #travelguide #goodtoknow
A standard A4 sheet of paper is 1/16 of an A0 sheet, which is 1 m².
Then, when you read the paper is 80 grams/m², you know your sheet is 80/16 = 5 grams
Easy peasy…
#LetsRemind #GoodToKnow #Science #Publishing
14 Contributor Roles
#publishing #Science #goodtoknow #letsremind
#Diversity #UNBRK #Diskriminierung #GoodToKnow #ServiceTroet
#Ableismus (gleichbedeutend wird auch im englischsprachigen Raum von #Ableism gesprochen) ist die alltägliche Reduktion eines Menschen auf seine Beeinträchtigung. Damit einher geht eine Abwertung (wegen seiner Beeinträchtigung) oder aber eine Aufwertung (...) Damit erleben behinderte Menschen durch den Ableismus das, was Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund durch den #Rassismus widerfährt (...)
#rassismus #FightAbleism #ableism #ableismus #servicetroet #goodtoknow #diskriminierung #unbrk #diversity
@joshua_drummond @maetl @AnneleiseHall @phil_stevens so: we can be pretty sure that Malpass has a premeditated bias, and we should beat this in mind in all he writes? Hmm. OK. #GoodToKnow
Hey #google nerds, did you know AdRotate for #wordpress supports Google Analytics 4?
#goodtoknow #analytics #ga4 #bannermanager
#google #wordpress #goodtoknow #analytics #ga4 #bannermanager
Links: Daten, die Twitter von Dir trackt.
Rechts: Daten, die IceCubes von Dir trackt.
#goodtoknow #Twitter #icecubesapp #privacy #iosapp #ivory
#goodtoknow #twitter #icecubesapp #privacy #iosapp #ivory
#watches #time #handhelds #goodtoknow
I had some wrist watches once, early in my life. In 1993, from my first paycheck, I'd bought myself a Casio 4600 digital diary. Since then, I've never owned a wrist watch again; not even as a piece of jewelry.
It was the first electronic device I've ever bought, and there were many to follow.
A Motorola phone thick like a brick, some Nokia phones including the last ever before they shut down ...
If you ask me for the time, I'll have look at a screen.
#watches #time #handhelds #goodtoknow
@brooklynmarie @TruthOrFiction
Didn’t about MLK’s mother. We are a nation filled with evil. Glad you showed up in my feed.