Atlanta Hawks players joke ##buzzerbeater #AcrobaticMove #ALLSTAR #AlleyUp #AnkleBraker #Assist #Athlete #AtlantaHawks #BallHandling #Block #chill #CrazyJumps #Crossover #Defense #DRIBBLING #Dunk #EasternConference #GoForward #GoodTime #GoodVibe #highlights #ILoveThisGame #MVP #NBA #Pass #points #Rebound #record #relax #Showtime #SlamDunk #Sound #SoutheastDivision #star #Steal #Voice #windmill
#buzzerbeater #acrobaticmove #allstar #alleyup #anklebraker #assist #athlete #atlantahawks #ballhandling #block #chill #crazyjumps #crossover #defense #dribbling #dunk #easternconference #goforward #goodtime #goodvibe #highlights #ilovethisgame #mvp #nba #pass #points #rebound #record #relax #showtime #slamdunk #sound #southeastdivision #star #steal #voice #windmill
Positive thought of the day:
You will probably not die in a car accident or skydiving.
It will most likely be of natural causes as a climate refugee. 🤷♂️
#climate #climatechange #silverlining #goodvibe #PositiveThought #echology #ClimateEmegency
#ClimateEmegency #echology #PositiveThought #goodvibe #silverlining #climatechange #climate
Your attitude is contagious #shorts #attitude #influence #adapt #environment #goodvibe #life
#life #goodvibe #environment #adapt #influence #attitude #shorts
Guten Morgen - heute beginnt der Tag mit einem Spaziergang, um den elendigen monatlichen Schmerzen entgegenzuwirken.
Ob ich heute Inspo finde weiß ich zwar nicht, aber vielleicht hilft es mir, wenn ihr mir sagt, worauf ihr euch heute am Meißen freut! :)
#goodvibe #mentalhealth #queer