Happy National Day of Reason, humanists!
The National Day of Reason celebrates science, logic, and reason as guiding principles of our secular democracy, and promotes greater awareness of the constitutional separation of religion and government.
Learn more at https://nationaldayofreason.org #NationalDayOfReason #NDoR #GoodWithoutAGod #AmericanHumanist
#nationaldayofreason #ndor #goodwithoutagod #americanhumanist
The #HolidaySeason is approaching, but that might look a little different for those of us who know we are #GoodWithoutAGod . Hyper religious marketing can make seasonal celebration frustrating. Join us and award-winning author #SashaSagan as we explore these topics and "How to Celebrate for #Skeptics (not Cynics)." #CarlSagan #Atheism #AHA #Humanism
#humanism #aha #atheism #carlsagan #skeptics #sashasagan #goodwithoutagod #holidayseason
I'm still updating my #s because I am interested in so many things.
#IBelieveInGood #GoodWithoutAGod #PsychicEmpath #PsychicVision #PsychicIntuition #LivingAroundDisability #SelfHypnosisForPainManagement #
#selfhypnosisforpainmanagement #livingarounddisability #psychicintuition #psychicvision #psychicempath #goodwithoutagod #ibelieveingood #s