Die Staatsanwaltschaft #Berlin hat eine Durchsuchung bei einem #GoogleFont Abmahner durchgeführt.
420 Anzeigen von „Abgemahnten“ lagen vor, 2.000 Personen hatte bereits die "Abmahnung" bezahlt.
"Abmahnung wegen Google Fonts gehören in den Müll - fast immer."
#AnwaltJun erläutert drei Möglichkeiten wie und warum mit #Abmahung en wegen #GoogleFont s umgegangen werden kann.
In jedem Fall #Font s immer lokal einbinden.
Verletzung des Persönlichkeitsrechts durch Datenschutzverstoß
LG München I Urteil vom 20.01.2022 (Az. 3 O 17493/20)
#font #googleFont #Abmahung #anwaltjun
@aral @ekaitz_zarraga @Pixificial @craigmaloney
Little follow up about the #HackingLicense.
It has been adoped by #MonitoraPA, an automatic and distributed observatory written in #Python with the explicit goal to be easy to hack and run for any teenager who just learnt the language from an online tutorial.
On our first run we detected 7833 public administrations' websites using #GoogleAnalytics.
We formally requested all of their DPO and Data Controller to remove it as its usage is in violation of #GDPR as established by the #Schrems2 sentence of @Curia (thanks to @noybeu).
Two weeks later, almost 4000 italian public administrations (several hundreds of schools!) that were sending to #Google detailed data about every page visit, removed Google Analytics.
More details about the project are available (in Italian) at https://monitora-pa.it
Next week we will officially run our observatory again, we will notify again PA that still have Google Analytics in violation of #GDPR, but we will also escalate to the various Authorities that Italian and European Law provide.
And obviously, Google Analytics is just a starting point!
We are refactoring our code to make it trivial to add more conformity checks even beyond the web and to run it over different data sources so that people can easily run our observatory over any set of websites, from political parties to football clubs.
And in the July's run, we hope to detect and request removal for at least #GoogleFont connections and #Facebook Tracking Pixels too.
Obviously we got several powerful enemies. #Google for first, but also several Italian lawyers and administrators that did not protected citizens personal data.
And among them, quite expected, compromised organizations like #OSI that are spreading #FUD about our license of choice without even reading it or trying to help us to improve it.
#hackinglicense #MonitoraPA #gdpr #Schrems2 #google #googleFont #facebook #osi #fud #python #googleanalytics
No, non è difficile.
Non è uno schema Ponzi: sono generatori di schemi Ponzi (ed altre truffe più raffinate).
Wikipedia ha fatto la stessa valutazione che suggerivo a #Devol tempo fa, quando ero stato invitato a farne parte dopo aver rimosso #GoogleFont dal loro sito: https://qoto.org/@Shamar/107633747458254186
Come spiegai profusamente allora, accettare criptomenate le legittima, ed il rischio reputazionale è elevatissimo.
Per questo suggerivo allora (e suggerisco ancora) di non associarsi e non accettare criptovaluta.
Per evitare che quando la bolla speculativa scoppierà definitivamente, certe battaglie vengano INFANGATE dallo scandalo che ne verrà fuori.
[ 🔁 ]
@Khrys 🔗 https://mamot.fr/users/Khrys/statuses/107716883855451448
German #Court Rules Websites Embedding #Google #Fonts Violates #GDPR
🍾 🍿
#privacy #googleFont #googlefonts #gdpr #fonts #google #court