Suède/Protection des données: deux entreprises écopent d’une amende d’un million d’euros
> Deux entreprises ont écopé d’une amende d’un peu plus d’un million d’euros pour avoir utilisé l’outil Google Analytics, qui mesure et analyse le trafic des sites web, car il permet la transmission de données personnelles vers les Etats-Unis, a déclaré lu…
#Suède #Données_personnelles #RGPD #Google_Analytics #Tele2 #NOYB #FdC #RevueDePresse #Shaarli2Mastodon
#suede #donnees_personnelles #rgpd #google_analytics #tele2 #noyb #fdc #revuedepresse #shaarli2mastodon
Un travail interne a rendu le site web accessible à tous #développement #web #site_web #accessibilité #protection_des_données #confidentialité #autohébergement #hébergement_en_interne #département #maineetloire #google_analytics #rgaa #responsiweb #collectivités_locales #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm #99th_revue
#99th_revue #2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #collectivites_locales #ResponsiWeb #rgaa #google_analytics #maineetloire #departement #hebergement_en_interne #autohebergement #confidentialite #protection_des_donnees #accessibilite #site_web #web #developpement
TUTO - Déposer une plainte à la CNIL - Videonaute
> Bonjour tout le monde ! Aujourd'hui je vous propose un petit tuto pour apprendre à déposer une plainte auprès de la CNIL. Attention, cette vidéo n'a pas pour valeur de conseil juridique. 🙈
#Vie_privée #Données_personnelles #Google_Analytics #CNIL #RevueDePresse #Shaarli2Mastodon
#shaarli2mastodon #revuedepresse #cnil #google_analytics #données_personnelles #vie_privée
TUTO - Détecter l'utilisation de Google Analytics sur un site ou une app - Videonaute
> Nouveau tuto pour savoir si un site web ou une application mobile (Android/iOS) utilise Google Analytics ! Bon visionnage
#Vie_privée #Données_personnelles #Google_Analytics #RevueDePresse #Shaarli2Mastodon
#shaarli2mastodon #revuedepresse #google_analytics #données_personnelles #vie_privée
#Questions and #answers
by Danish DPA Datatilsynet
#google_analytics #answers #questions
Italian SA bans use of Google Analytics: no adequate safeguards for data transfers from Caffeina Media S.r.l. to the U.S.
Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, Provvedimento del 9 giugno 2022, 9782890
englische Übersetzung:
#Google_Analytics 4 (GA4) vs #Matomo
Google announced that #Universal_Analytics’ days are #numbered.
Universal Analytics will be #replaced by Google Analytics 4 (or GA4) on the 1st of #July 2023.
If Google Analytics users want to compare year-on-year data, they have until July 2022 to get set up ..
But is upgrading to Google Analytics 4 the #right_move?
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates..
#right_move #july #replaced #numbered #Universal_Analytics #matomo #google_analytics #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#Google_Analytics 4 (GA4) vs #Matomo
Google announced that #Universal_Analytics’ days are #numbered.
Universal Analytics will be #replaced by Google Analytics 4 (or GA4) on the 1st of #July 2023.
If Google Analytics users want to compare year-on-year data, they have until July 2022 to get set up ..
But is upgrading to Google Analytics 4 the #right_move?
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates..
#right_move #july #replaced #numbered #Universal_Analytics #matomo #google_analytics #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS | #France’s Privacy #Watchdog latest to find #Google_Analytics #BREACHES #GDPR.
The #US. #FAILS this #CRITICAL equivalence TEST on account of having #SWEEPING Surveillance #LAWS which do not provide #Non_U.S. #citizens with any way to know whether their #data is being #acquired, how it’s being #used or to seek #redress for any #misuse.
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this ...
#misuse #redress #used #Acquired #data #citizens #Non_U #laws #SWEEPING #critical #fails #us #gdpr #breaches #google_analytics #watchdog #france #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#BIG_TECH | BREAKING #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEW | #DOMINOES_FALLING | | #Austria says use of #Google_Analytics is #ILLEGAL because it exposes #Europeans to #USA_SPY_AGENCIES.
"We have filed 101 #complaints in basically every [EU] #member_state," Schrems told Fortune on Thursday.
"They formed a #task_force, so we expect the other [#data_protection_authorities] to now come forward with similar decisions. This may be #dominoes_falling #country by #country now."
#country #data_protection_authorities #task_force #member_state #Complaints #USA_SPY_AGENCIES #europeans #illegal #google_analytics #austria #DOMINOES_FALLING #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEW #big_tech
#BIG_TECH | BREAKING #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS. | In BAD NEWS for #US_Cloud_Services, #Austrian website’s use of #Google_Analytics found to BREACH GDPR.
In this #specific_case, an #IP address “#anonymization” function had not been properly implemented on the website.
The regulator found #IP #address_data to be personal data given the potential for it to be combined — like a “puzzle piece” — with other #digital_data to #identify a #visitor.
#visitor #identify #digital_data #address_data #anonymization #ip #specific_case #google_analytics #austrian #US_Cloud_Services #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #big_tech
#BIG_TECH | BREAKING #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS. | #Europe’s Move Against Google Analytics Is Just the #Beginning. #Austria’s data regulator has found that the use of #Google_Analytics is a #breach of #GDPR. In the #absence of a new #EU_US #data_deal, other countries may follow.
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#data_deal #EU_US #absence #gdpr #breach #google_analytics #austria #beginning #europe #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #big_tech
#BIG_TECH | BREAKING #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS. | Google Analytics #declared #ILLEGAL in the #EU | #Google_Analytics illegal in #Europe.
#US_providers and #EU_data_exporters have largely #ignored the #case.
. . Just like #Microsoft, #Facebook or #Amazon, #Google has relied on so-called "Standard Contract Clauses" to #continue #data_transfers and calm its European business partners."
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of ..
#data_transfers #continue #google #amazon #facebook #microsoft #case #ignored #EU_data_exporters #US_providers #europe #google_analytics #eu #illegal #declared #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #big_tech
#AUSTRIA #Bans #Google_Analytics against #GDPR: #soon there may be #bad_news for other #technology_waste in the #EU.
Google has relied on the #Privacy_Shield arrangement in the disclosure, even though EU #law_ruled it to be #illegal in 2020.
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of this pro..
#illegal #law_ruled #privacy_shield #eu #technology_waste #Bad_News #soon #gdpr #google_analytics #bans #austria #EU_Citizens #Data_Protection_Rights #VIOLATES #US_INTELLIGENCE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #big_tech
The Austrian DPA held that the use of #Google_Analytics by an Austrian website provider led to transfers of personal data to Google LLC in the U.S. in violation of Chapter V. of the GDPR.
DSB (Austria) - 2021-0.586.257 (D155.027)
Unterlassungsanordnung, nicht notwendige Cookies und/oder vergleichbare Speicherobjekte ohne Einwilligung des Nutzers zu speichern
hier: #Tracking_Cookies der Anbieter #Criteo, #Facebook, #Google_Analytics, #Hotjar und #Microsoft_Ads
LG Frankfurt a.M., Urteil vom 19.10.2021, 3-06 O 24/21, nicht rechtskräftig
#Tracking_Cookies #criteo #facebook #google_analytics #Hotjar #Microsoft_Ads
"Serverseitiges Tracking:
Was bedeutet das und wie sieht es mit dem Datenschutz aus?"
von Dr. Klaus Meffert
#tracking #google_analytics #googletagmanager
"Was leistet #Google_Analytics im Einwilligungsmodus ohne #Cookies"
Ein Gastbeitrag von Robert Hartl
#Cookies von #Google_Analytics und weiteren #Google #Tools
von traffic3 GmbH
#übersicht #cookies #google_analytics #google #tools
#Aufsichtsbehörden #Google_Analytics und ähnliche Dienste
Aufsichtsbehörden: Einwilligung für Google Analytics erforderlich?
von RA Stephan Hansen-Oest
Google Analytics nur noch mit Einwilligung zulässig ?!
von RA Dr. Carsten Ulbricht
#aufsichtsbehörden #google_analytics