Create Google Sheets Dropdowns with Google Apps Script via @YouTube @workspacedevs #GoogleSheets #GoogleAppsScript
#googlesheets #googleappsscript
For this #HATurday toots #VAM and the #MetMuseum HAT collections are arrayed. Indexes are 'chosen' with JS Math Random and Round. A small bot-script does the rest
#googleappsscript #metmuseum #VAM #haturday
Those of you who followed my bot @UPressSalesBot on the other platform may be interested to know it's now up and running here on Mastodon, tooting out discounts from university presses.
I'm using a new infrastructure which is social-media-platform agnostic (subscribe to all the mailing lists, parse out sentences with a discount code, toot [or whatever], repeat). I'll post my code shortly.
I also discovered two new tools:
1) Gmail (and other providers) support plus addressing in emails. This means if your email is then will also go to your inbox.
2) Google Apps Script among other things lets you run javascript code on your inbox, so you can do proper parsing with regular expressions and all sorts of other automation
#bot #discount #phdchat #googleappsscript #universitypress
Heb een scriptje geschreven dat populariteit van arresten van het EU HvJ over Vo 2016/679 in kaart brengt. Hoe vaker door het EU HvJ naar een arrest wordt verwezen hoe populairder dat arrest. De grote winnaar is 62019CJ0439 (54 verwijzingen; Als het scriptje spoort tenminst ;-).
【Qiitaアナリティクス】"自分の記事がどれだけ見てもらえているか" を見える化するスプレッドシートを作りました 🚀
#qiita #JavaScript #GoogleAppsScript #spreadsheet #データ分析 #個人開発
#qiita #javascript #googleappsscript #spreadsheet #データ分析 #個人開発
Is it possible to scrape dynamic webpages with #GoogleAppsScript?
#dtv #scraping
#scraping #dtv #googleappsscript
Can anyone recommend a good #RubyLang #SDK for working with #GoogleAppsScript? I'd prefer to avoid working directly in #JavaScript, but transpilers like #CoffeeScript and others have their own problems.
#rubylang #sdk #googleappsscript #javascript #coffeescript
😂 Het is me gelukt om met Google Apps Script te tooten.
Mijn dag is weer helemaal goed.
Nu een 'echte' bot maken van werkgerelateerde rss-feeds.
#googleappsscript #bot
Auto-Add Date and Time to an Adjacent Cell Upon Edit in Google Sheets with Apps Script. This a long-awaited update to a 5-year-old tutorial.
#GoogleSheets #GoogleAppsScript @workspacedevs
#googleappsscript #googlesheets
List all files and folders in a folders directory tree in Google Drive: Apps Script. @WorkspaceDevs #GoogleAppsScript #GoogleDriveAPI #AppsScript #GoogleDrive
#AppsScript #googledrive #googleappsscript #googledriveapi
#GoogleAppsScript #LineNotify
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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon:
Highlight and Remove duplicate rows in your google spreadsheet with this script for free. Works with any type and length of sheets. - by @KhadkaNibesh #googleappsscript #googlesheets
#googleappsscript #googlesheets
#blog: It is possible to develop #GoogleAppsScript projects locally, on your machine, in #Typescript, and sync them with Drive. Excited? Don't be. I am still not sure it's a good idea. Anyhow, here's a starter project using Python's #Copier
#blog #googleappsscript #typescript #copier
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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon:
This blog is meant for both coders and non-coders, so, please do humor the over-explanation. - by @KhadkaNibesh #googleappsscript #googledrive
#googleappsscript #googledrive
Find and hide Rows by Grouping Ranges in Google Sheets with Apps Script - A faster approach.
Got a large Google Sheets dataset that you want to hide rows by cell value on? #GoogleAppsScript #GoogleSheets #SpreadsheetAutomation @WorkspaceDevs
#googleappsscript #SpreadsheetAutomation #googlesheets
#GoogleAppsScript を .ts で書いて clasp push するとトランスパイルされて clasp pull で .js しか持って来られないので、.ts で書く場合は別途 git とか使ってソース管理した方が良さそう。個人だとあまり気にならないかもだが。
「 clasp 使えば .ts も自動でトランスパイルされるよ!」って言うから試しに ES6 private field 定義したら無茶苦茶頑張っててワロタ。#GoogleAppsScript くん ES6 に対応しなさいよ。
Google 先生、はやくなおして。#GoogleAppsScript
ScriptApp.getService().getUrl() doesn't work for versioned deployments