Hướng dẫn cài đặt Google Authenticator
Google Authenticator là một công cụ giúp bảo mật tài khoản Google mỗi lần đăng nhập. Authenticator sẽ tạo một mã code gồm 6 chữ số và có hiệu lực trong 30s, quá trình được lập lại liên tục mỗi khi bạn đăng nhập bằng, như thế sẽ giúp bảo mật tài khoản tốt hơn.
Xem cách tải và cài đặt, đồng bộ Google Authenticator tại: https://urlvn.net/gfxz0m
#seiofva #google #authenticator #taikhoan #googleauthenticator #sohoa
#sohoa #googleauthenticator #taikhoan #authenticator #google #seiofva
טוב, זה לקח איזה שעתיים, אבל העברתי את כל ה-#2fa שלי מ-#googleauthenticator ל- #aegis. אם עוד לא עשיתם את זה, זה הזמן!
#2fa #googleauthenticator #aegis
Also wer angesichts von genügend Alternativen den #GoogleAuthenticator nutzt, dem ist halt auch nicht zu helfen.
#googleauthenticator #google #datenschutz #dsgvo #tracking #verschlusselung
Is it just me, or did Google just screw Google Authenticator by removing all keys? Like, all of them are gone from my phone, and now there's no trace of all the websites and applications that require me to use Google Authenticator to login with 2FA.
There was no warning that you need to export/backup your keys before the updating to enable the new cloud synch feature
#googleauthenticator #google #2fa #twofactorauthentication
Google Authenticator dodaje możliwość skonfigurowania kopii zapasowej w cloudzie.
Tracisz telefon gdzie miałeś Google Authenticator generujący kody 2FA. To teraz masz problem, bo nie dostaniesz się do wielu swoich kont. Google od niedawna ma na to rozwiązanie: We are excited to announce an update to Google Authenticator, across both iOS and Android, which adds the ability to safely backup...
#WBiegu #2fa #Awareness #GoogleAuthenticator
#wbiegu #2fa #awareness #googleauthenticator
Google Authenticator: Warnung - Backup der geheimen "Saat" im Klartext
Google spendierte dem Authenticator ein Backup der Geheimnisse, die zur Erstellung der Einmalpasswörter nötig sind. Google bekommt diese Daten aber im Klartext.
#E2EE #Google #GoogleAuthenticator #Security #Verschlüsselung #ZweifaktorAuthentisierung
#verpasstodon #e2ee #google #googleauthenticator #security #verschlusselung #zweifaktorauthentisierung
Google 前陣子針對 Google Authenticator 2FA 兩步驟驗證程式進行更新,加入 Google 帳號雲端備份功能與全面翻新 Logo 設計,可以有效防止相關設定遺失或無法復原的情況,但是根據外媒報導,有一家安全公司發現這個同步功能設計上的一個相當大的缺陷,也就 Google Authenticator 雲端備份缺少「端對端」加密功能,恐有安全上的疑慮。
👉 網頁好讀版:https://bit.ly/3nc7THc
#科技速報 #科技新聞 #新聞 #news #technews #Google #googleauthenticator #E2E #e2ee
#e2ee #e2e #googleauthenticator #google #technews #news #新聞 #科技新聞 #科技速報
reupload with image description:
#google #googleauthenticator #2fa #mfa
#GWB - Google Authenticator: Sicherheitsforscher warnen – neue Cloud-Synchronisierung überträgt Daten im Klartext - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2023/04/google-authenticator-sicherheitsforscher-cloud/ #googleauthenticator #datenschutz #Google
#gwb #googleauthenticator #datenschutz #google
Önnur hættan í dag, fyrst #GoogleAuthenticator og nú #Amazon, bæði varðandi #2fa
#googleauthenticator #amazon #2fa
Now you can finally set up the Google Authenticator on New Phone without Old Phone with QR. This was the most requested feature for over quite a long time now.
#googleauthenticator #googleauthe #2FA #2factorauthentication #PasswordlessLogin #passwordless #security
#security #passwordless #passwordlesslogin #2FactorAuthentication #2fa #googleauthe #googleauthenticator
On today’s show (releases at 4pm PT):
🐦 The newest #Twitter competitor comes from… #Meta
🤖 Republicans use AI-generated ad against Biden
📉 #GoogleAd revenue declines for second quarter
⛔ Singapore government encourages ad blockers
📱 #BeReal struggles, adds new features
🔐 #GoogleAuthenticator now syncs 2FA codes to cloud
💡 #TikTok reveals #creator collaboration tips
🎥 #Yelp allows video additions to reviews
#digitalmarketing #metaads #facebookads #instagramads #seoul
#seoul #instagramads #facebookads #metaads #digitalmarketing #yelp #creator #tiktok #googleauthenticator #BeReal #googlead #meta #Twitter
#GoogleAuthenticator є одним з найкращих застосунків для двофакторної аутентифікації (#2FA), однак раніше у нього був досить вагомий нюанс — одноразові паролі, які він генерував, зберігалися тільки на девайсі, де він був встановлений.
Google Authenticator finally, mercifully adds account syncing for two-factor codes
https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/24/23696058/google-authenticator-app-account-syncing-multiple-devices #Technology #GoogleAuthenticator
#technology #googleauthenticator
#GWB - Google Authenticator: Neue Version bringt optionale Cloud-Synchronisierung und ein neues Icon (Screenshots) - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2023/04/google-authenticator-neue-version/ #bestätigunginzweischritten #googleauthenticator #Google
#gwb #bestatigunginzweischritten #googleauthenticator #google
Google Authenticator now supports Google Account synchronization https://security.googleblog.com/2023/04/google-authenticator-now-supports.html #googleauthenticator
Nur für den Fall, dass ihr nicht gewusst habt, dass das geht. #GoogleAuthenticator
👉 網頁好讀版:https://bit.ly/3L2qCwN
Google Authenticator 是一套 2FA 雙重驗證的免費 APP,支援 iOS 與 Android 系統,自從 2010 年推出以來就是許多人慣用的 2FA 驗證程式,Google 也很少對此 APP 有更新,加上 Google Authenticator 並沒有完整備份功能,所以有不少用戶都曾經遇過換手機時不小心遺失帳戶設定的窘境,或是手機遺失、壞掉也無法取回原本 Google Authenticator 設定。
#googleauthenticator #2fa #google #technews #news #新聞 #科技新聞 #科技速報
Pra quem quer gerar códigos #TOTP mas não quer usar o #GoogleAuthenticator nem o #Authy, eis a solução: #FreeOTP.
É compatível com #Android e #iOS, disponível no #FDroid e capaz de gerar seus códigos de autenticação por dois fatores (#2FA) no celular.
#totp #googleauthenticator #authy #freeotp #android #ios #fdroid #2fa
Over on the bird site, as of tomorrow only Blue users will be able to keep SMS as a 2FA option. Everyone else will have to use an authentication app like Google’s Authenticator. Curious move to cite TOTP being a far more secure option, yet keeping SMS behind a paywall for only Blue accounts. #2FA #TFA #birdsite #security #sms #googleauthenticator
#2fa #tfa #birdsite #security #sms #googleauthenticator