[Answer In Progress] asks how intelligent are the current state-of-the-art #AI's compared to a typical human. Is it more a feat of memorizing answers without understanding the material?
#ArtificialIntelligence #ChatGPT #GoogleBard #OpenAI #LargeLanguageModels
#ai #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #googlebard #openai #largelanguagemodels
Google’s $30-per-month “Duet” AI will craft awkward emails, images for you - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images / Benj Edwards)
On Tuesday, Goog... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1964020 #largelanguagemodels #googleworkspace #machinelearning #googlebard #googledocs #goolgeduet #aiprivacy #aiethics #chatgpt #chatgtp #privacy #biz #google #openai #palm2 #tech #ai
#ai #tech #palm2 #openai #google #biz #privacy #chatgtp #chatgpt #aiethics #aiprivacy #goolgeduet #googledocs #googlebard #machinelearning #googleworkspace #largelanguagemodels
Ars Technica: Google’s $30-per-month “Duet” AI will craft awkward emails, images for you https://arstechnica.com/?p=1964020 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #largelanguagemodels #googleworkspace #machinelearning #GoogleBard #Googledocs #GoolgeDuet #AIprivacy #AIethics #ChatGPT #chatgtp #privacy #Biz&IT #Google #google #openai #PaLM2 #Tech #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #largelanguagemodels #googleworkspace #machinelearning #googlebard #googledocs #goolgeduet #aiprivacy #aiethics #chatgpt #chatgtp #privacy #biz #google #openai #palm2 #ai
The growth of generative AI technology, exemplified by tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard, is simplifying tasks for millions of people.
#AIChatbots #AI #DelhiHighCourt #ChatGPT #LegalDecisions #Technology #GoogleBard
#aichatbots #ai #delhihighcourt #chatgpt #legaldecisions #technology #googlebard
I have been experimenting with #GoogleBard and am frankly impressed with the results.
I thought it might help provide ideas for #Greeneralia activity. Although it has not provided any new ideas as such, what it has done is present them in a logical framework which I could then refine.
What do you think?
Hier findet ihr eine IMHO ganz gelungene Gegenüberstellung der drei #Chatbots
- #ChatGPT
- #BingChat und
- #GoogleBard
inkl. der jeweiligen Features und ein bisschen begrifflicher Erklärung.
#llm #ki #googlebard #bingchat #chatgpt #chatbots
In this month's Linux Format I cover various AI / ML tools that can be used to aid programmers. Article two is the first of a series, covering the recreation of Breakout using Python and the PyGame library.
#linux #python #pygame #copilot #googlebard
Shhh, don’t tell @Caneprints that I gave you early access to tomorrow’s Friday Finds Episode.
Something's brewing in the world of AI! Tune in to #FridayFinds this week as we discuss Google's ambitious plans for BARD. #AI #GoogleBARD #UnmutePresents https://pinecast.com/listen/faa3fdf7-987c-49c8-954f-4b6c3c32df54.mp3
#fridayfinds #ai #googlebard #unmutepresents
"Consider going into it on an empty stomach."
In their desperation to beat Google, it’s looking more and more like Microsoft (and OpenAI) prematurely released their A.I. This is exactly why Google was taking their time, a few years ago with LaMDA, and moving more cautiously now.
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Microsoft #OpenAI #Google #GoogleLaMDA #GooglePaLM2 #GoogleBard
#artificialintelligence #ai #microsoft #OpenAI #google #googlelamda #googlepalm2 #googlebard
Polecam poprosić #GoogleBard, żeby opisał system podatkowy np. w Szwajcarii, a potem w Polsce 😂 można się domyślić jak długa będzie odpowiedź na poszczególne pytania 🤣
#GoogleBard dostępny w Polsce od kilku tygodni.
Używa mi się lepiej niż #ChatGPT i #BingChat.
Wygląda lepiej i działa szybciej, ale czy działa lepiej to jeszcze muszę potestować…
Ma za to bardzo przydatne funkcje:
- można wkleić link i dopisać “podsumuj”;
- można zobaczyć inne wygenerowane przykłady odpowiedzi;
- można włączyć audiodeskrypcję.
I robi to naprawdę dobrze, dużo lepiej niż “konkurencja”.
Poniżej przykłady ze wszystkich platform dla porównania.
A wy co sądzicie?
#googlebard #chatgpt #bingchat #ai
The New York Times prohibits AI vendors from devouring its content - Enlarge (credit: Benj Edwards / Getty Images)
In early August,... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1960621 #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #thenewyorktimes #googlebard #journalism #anthropic #aiethics #chatgtp #claude2 #biz #llama2 #openai #palm2 #tech #meta #ai
#ai #meta #tech #palm2 #openai #llama2 #biz #claude2 #chatgtp #aiethics #anthropic #journalism #googlebard #thenewyorktimes #machinelearning #largelanguagemodels
Ars Technica: The New York Times prohibits AI vendors from devouring its content https://arstechnica.com/?p=1960621 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #thenewyorktimes #GoogleBard #journalism #Anthropic #AIethics #chatgtp #Claude2 #Biz&IT #Llama2 #openai #PaLM2 #Tech #meta #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #largelanguagemodels #machinelearning #thenewyorktimes #googlebard #journalism #anthropic #aiethics #chatgtp #claude2 #biz #llama2 #openai #palm2 #meta #ai
The introduction of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, and Llama has sparked a profound debate surrounding the ethical and practical implications of artificial intelligence.
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ChatGPT #GoogleBard #Llama2 #EthicalHacking #AITools #Bard
#ai #artificialintelligence #chatgpt #googlebard #llama2 #ethicalhacking #aitools #bard
Use of #AI... I'm currently doing an #FFRP scene, well 7 of them. I need to know what chemical ions have a strong magnetic field. I could Google it but that takes time and energy that I'm a bit short on. So, I go to #Google Bard (https://bard.google.com) and ask it -- it gives me a list. Now, I want to try to be accurate but it doesn't 100% matter if it's a bit off. I decide on Oxygen ions for my purposes, and I need to know what happens when it interacts with water, so I ask it. It tells me that this would produce Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydroxide Ions.
This would have taken me a lot longer! So, as a kind of like information assistant, I can quickly approximate what will happen scientifically to make my writing more accurate. I don't have to be a scientist, I have the option to Google it if I want to right from the UI.
#ai #ffrp #google #rpg #googlebard
OMG I asked it again and it now thinks we're both "large language models" created by Google AI! 👀
#Twitter #AI #artificialintelligence #GoogleBard #technology
#twitter #ai #artificialintelligence #googlebard #technology
Boy, this is just wild. Last I checked Bing did a good job comparing our two accounts (me and EvilVizier on Twitter), but I try the same with Google Bard just now, and basically every single bit of information about both of us is made up whole-cloth! Methinks there's room for improvement.
#Twitter #AI #artificialintelligence #GoogleBard #technology
#twitter #ai #artificialintelligence #googlebard #technology
Boy, this is just wild. Last I checked Bing did a good job comparing our two accounts (me and EvilVizier on Twitter), but I try the same with Google Bard just now, and basically every single bit of information about both of us is made up whole-cloth! Methinks there's room for improvement.
#twitter #ai #artificialintelligence #googlebard
With regard to medical topics, #Llama2 obeys instructions better, weighs arguments more considerately, and provides more detailed outputs than both #GoogleBard and #ChatGPT
How to use Meta’s new LLaMa 2 generative A.I. tool as a chatbot, and how it compares to ChatGPT and Google Bard:
Read More Here: