Learn the subtle battle language used in the realm of the clouds. #TLS #FreeBSD #GoogleCloud #OpenSource https://cromwell-intl.com/open-source/google-freebsd-tls/https-headers.html?s=mc
#OpenSource #googlecloud #FreeBSD #tls
Carbon Footprint overview in #GoogleCloud is nice.
I hope they cover App Engine soonish though, as I suspect it accounts for most of my actual footprint
https://console.cloud.google.com/carbon (if you are a GCP user)
Build a mighty siege engine in the realm of the clouds. #FreeBSD #GoogleCloud #OpenSource https://cromwell-intl.com/open-source/google-freebsd-tls/freebsd.html?s=mc
#OpenSource #googlecloud #FreeBSD
Build a library in the realm of the clouds. #FreeBSD #GoogleCloud #OpenSource https://cromwell-intl.com/open-source/google-freebsd-tls/apache-log-cache.html?s=mc
#OpenSource #googlecloud #FreeBSD
SoftServe lancia un laboratorio basato sull’IA generativa
Il laboratorio specializzato amplia le funzionalità IA/ML di SoftServe per accelerare l’adozione in ...
#aws #azure #cloud #google #googlecloud #intelligenzaartificiale #MachineLearning #microsoft
#aws #azure #cloud #google #googlecloud #intelligenzaartificiale #machinelearning #microsoft
What does the new era of work look like?
At #GoogleCloudNext this week our Chief AI Officer, Mike Mason delivered a talk with Duet AI and FOX Sports on the new era of work.
Some of his main takeaways were:
💻 Long term, we could have truly useful digital assistants, professional and personal
💻 AI is going to significantly change how we build software
💻 A great data platform and data strategy is a prerequisite for getting the most out of #AI
#googlecloud #ai #googlecloudnext
#qiita #AWS #Azure #googlecloud #CCoE
#qiita #aws #azure #googlecloud #ccoe
In the realm of the clouds, learn to speak the modern tongues. #FreeBSD #GoogleCloud #OpenSource https://cromwell-intl.com/open-source/google-freebsd-tls/apache-http2-php.html?s=mc
#OpenSource #googlecloud #FreeBSD
Build a fortress in the realm of the clouds. #FreeBSD #GCP #GoogleCloud #OpenSource #TLS https://cromwell-intl.com/open-source/google-freebsd-tls/?s=mc
#tls #OpenSource #googlecloud #gcp #FreeBSD
PaLM APIが日本語に対応:機能、精度、利用方法の評価
#qiita #googlecloud #PaLM #生成AI #大規模言語モデル
#qiita #googlecloud #palm #生成ai #大規模言語モデル
Google zeigt: So geht KI für Administratoren und Entwickler im Firmenalltag
Natürlich ging es auf der Google Cloud Next nur um KI. Doch statt noch mehr Hype-Demos zeigt Google lieber viel für dascv Backend.
#Datenbanken #Google #GoogleCloud #Kubernetes #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Programmierung #Softwareentwicklung #news
#datenbanken #google #googlecloud #kubernetes #kunstlicheintelligenz #programmierung #softwareentwicklung #news
Mentre General Motors è pronta per tornare in Europa in autunno, nascono nuove collaborazioni tra General Motors e Google Cloud per soluzioni IA.
General Motors, la nota casa automobilistica di Detroit, sta ampliando la partnership con Google Cloud per includere funzionalità di intelligenza artificiale avanzata nelle sue auto. Martedì General motors e Google Cloud hanno ...
Articolo completo
👉 https://gomoot.com/nuove-collaborazioni-tra-general-motors-e-google-cloud/
#gm #generalmotors #auto #ia #ai #googlecloud #bev #auto #autoeletriche
#gm #generalmotors #auto #ia #ai #googlecloud #BEV #autoeletriche
:press: SynthID, in collaborazione con Google Cloud, aiuta all'identificazione e alla protezione delle immagini generate dall'intelligenza artificiale. L’uso di immagini generate dall’Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) sta crescendo a ritmo serrato. Tuttavia, la sfida principale è come identificarle in modo accurato, specialmente quando appaiono incredibilmente realistiche. Recentemente..
Articolo completo
👉 https://gomoot.com/synthid-uno-strumento-per-identificare-e-proteggere-le-immagini-generate-dallia/
#deeplearning #googlecloud #deepmind #synthid #watermark
Goodness me it's moving very fast! #GoogleCloud #App #AI #Devs
A lot of cool ideas from the #GoogleCloud meeting yesterday in Hamburg and a lot of improvements possible for our #serverless operations at Savings United! #CloudComputing
#CloudComputing #serverless #googlecloud
🎙️ Please welcome our next speaker Joshua Fox, Senior Cloud Architect II at DoiT International, who constantly helps tech startups and growth companies with #GoogleCloud and #AWS.
💬 He’ll talk about FQDN Egress Control in #Kubernetes.
Book your spot here https://www.devopsdays.com.ua 👈🏻
I am using #IFTTT for now and trying to figure out how to build a such structure using the #GoogleCloud. Archiving my instant and useless thoughts is quite a charming idea to keep me believing I am doing something valuable.
#GM #GoogleCloud #AI #Chatbots #OnStar #Innovation GM's innovative partnership with Google Cloud is great news! AI chatbots will help free up OnStar's human operators to focus on more complex queries. This will ensure efficient customer service and an overall better OnStar experience. #FutureIsNow #AIForGood http://www.techmeme.com/230829/p34#a230829p34
#gm #googlecloud #ai #chatbots #onstar #innovation #futureisnow #aiforgood
Teach Jenn Google Cloud is starting in less than 1 hour 🎉
🎥 Kaslin Fields from Google Cloud will be coming on to drop some knowledge while at #GoogleCloudNext23!
⏰ 11a PST | 2p EST | 6p UTC | 8p CEST
#googlecloudnext23 #TeachJennTech #GoogleCloudNext #googlecloud
Google Cloud unveils AI-optimised infrastructure enhancements https://www.cloudcomputing-news.net/news/2023/aug/29/google-cloud-unveils-ai-optimised-infrastructure-enhancements/ #google #googlecloud #googlecloudnext #ai #ml #gke #cloud #news #tech #technology
#google #googlecloud #googlecloudnext #AI #ml #gke #cloud #News #tech #Technology