so far it's looking like MicroSIP under Wine might be the least-worst option.
SMS does appear to work with PhonerLite but the UX is terrible.
*outbound* SMS worked with Linphone but inbound didn't work out of the box.
I'm still using for occasional texting, it's been like a week or two and the experience on Android hasn't upset me.
I still need to figure out how to stay logged in on desktop but I feel like that's got to be a solvable problem, and also I care less about it.
time to change my Signal number to match, and update my phone number with any entities I want to have the new one... I think I'm finally done with Google Voice for real & forever.
like, is #GoogleDivorce or #AppleDivorce or whatever a production ready hashtag for normies? no way.
but oh my god the leaps and bounds being accomplished by people working to bring us all closer. it's nice to see.
I finally discovered something that Yalp Store can do which Aurora Store can't: download a previously purchased app which is only available to previous buyers, but not for new ones. Yalp Store could load it when I typed in the name, Aurora couldn't.
I think I'll save the APK for every app I've purchased so I don't have to deal with this again.
For all other uses, BTW, Aurora Store blows Yalp out of the water. The quality comparison isn't even close.
#android #microg #googledivorce
So far my #GoogleDivorce is going well, but I'm trying to do so many things at once. Also a #Lastpass divorce.
So, which Android #KeePass app is the sweet spot between stable and cleanest UI? Bonus points if you know it deals well with having its database synced once a day or so.
#googledivorce #lastpass #keepass
Yup, it's Google. No end in sight for me either, I'm heavily invested in the Android platform and due to reasons that won't change soon, can't have a #googledivorce yet. I don't use them for email tho.
Seriously, that limit doesn't need to exist. It's there because of an arbitrary decision.
#gcal is actually buggy and not great, let alone the personal-data vampire squid issue. But I'm not aware of any EXTREMELY RELIABLE alternatives for Android. Ffffffffff #googledivorce