#GWB - Google Drive: Geteilte Dateien lassen sich jetzt noch einfacher sperren – keine Bearbeitung möglich - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2023/09/google-drive-geteilte-dateien/ #googledrive #Google
Si os fijáis, el PDF que ha pasado Luis Rubiales por Google Drive tiene de oficial, lo que yo de Míster Universo:
Es un texto sin justificar.
Sin párrafos.
Muy mal redactado.
Sin una firma (y me refiero a una firma con validez, a mano alzada, escaneada o hecha con tablet).
Sin un sello oficial.
Ni ningún logotipo que le dé "oficialidad".
Es una chapuza a la que mañana podría llamar "una broma", si quiere.
#luisrubiales #novoyadimitir #googledrive #seacabo
Seriously, how Google can be such a powerful and big company and Google Drive still be the worst cloud service out there???? #googledrive #google #cloud #files
#googledrive #google #cloud #files
While 2 TB of #GoogleDrive #storage costs around 10 euros per year (5€/tb), 5 TB of Google Drive storage costs immediately 50 euros (10€/tb). Both paid in Turkish Lira.
#GWB - ChromeOS: Google integriert Microsoft OneDrive in den Dateimanager – Installation ist bereits möglich - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2023/08/chromeos-google-microsoft-onedrive/ #googledrive #microsoft #chromeos #Google
#gwb #googledrive #microsoft #chromeos #google
Missing #gmail feature: store to #GoogleDrive ... #google #android
#gmail #googledrive #google #android
Exploring Fabric.so: Your Ultimate Content Collection and Organization Tool
#productivity #pkm #fabric #googledrive
Exploring Fabric.so: Your Ultimate Content Collection and Organization Tool
#productivity #pkm #fabric #googledrive
Exploring Fabric.so: Your Ultimate Content Collection and Organization Tool
#productivity #PKM #fabric #googledrive
#productivity #pkm #fabric #googledrive
Too many users abused unlimited Dropbox plans, so they’re getting limits - Enlarge (credit: Dropbox)
Sometimes the honor system just does... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1963405 #dropboxadvanced #dropboxdownload #cloudstorage #googledrive #onedrive #datacap #dropbox #biz #policy #tech
#tech #policy #biz #dropbox #datacap #onedrive #googledrive #cloudstorage #dropboxdownload #dropboxadvanced
Ars Technica: Too many users abused unlimited Dropbox plans, so they’re getting limits https://arstechnica.com/?p=1963405 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #dropboxadvanced #dropboxdownload #cloudstorage #Googledrive #onedrive #datacap #dropbox #Biz&IT #Policy #Tech
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #dropboxadvanced #dropboxdownload #cloudstorage #googledrive #onedrive #datacap #dropbox #biz #policy
Gizmodo: Dropbox Is Dropping Unlimited Storage, Blames Crypto Miners https://gizmodo.com/dropbox-ends-unlimited-storage-blames-crypto-miners-1850773843?utm_source=regular #googleworkspaceenterprisestorage #universalwindowsplatformapps #onlinebackupservices #filesharingservices #criticismofdropbox #technologyinternet #cloudapplications #googleworkspace #cloudcomputing #cryptocurrency #cloudstorage #proofofspace #googledrive #dropbox #google #chia
#googleworkspaceenterprisestorage #universalwindowsplatformapps #onlinebackupservices #filesharingservices #criticismofdropbox #technologyinternet #cloudapplications #googleworkspace #cloudcomputing #cryptocurrency #cloudstorage #proofofspace #googledrive #dropbox #google #chia
I'm considering using #IFTTT to #transfer micro #blog #posts into my #Wordpress. Well, I will have the raw data in #GoogleDrive #GoogleDocument first though. Is IFTTT the best option (and offering broad options) or is there any other recommendation?
#ifttt #transfer #blog #posts #wordpress #googledrive #googledocument
How I managed to make backups a regular part of my workflow - new video tutorial for musicians:
#backup #googledrive #daw #musicproduction
Un nouvel outil (GDrive to Commons Uploader) pour publier des fichiers sur la médiathèque #WikiCommons qui approche des 100 millions de fichiers. https://gdrive-to-commons.toolforge.org #GoogleDrive
I don't understand why the #whatsapp procedure for migrating between #ios and #android devices can't be as simple as creating a zip file in #icloud and then just copying it into #googledrive. The lock-in effects are great.
#whatsapp #ios #android #icloud #googledrive
Cloud storage apps for #macOS are having a really hard time with the File Provider API. This is particularly true for #Dropbox, but #GoogleDrive is also having moments. Things look superficially like they are working, but if you pay attention there are heaps of problems just below the surface. I'm getting the impression that the new API is basically requiring a complete rewrite of these apps, which is being done in a hurry.
@rriver #GoogleDrive は以前は何度かデスクトップ同期アプリの方針変更と言うかアプリの切り替えがあって、前使ってた同期アプリが使えなくなって新しいのに変えないといけない、みたいなことがあったりなんとなく落ち着かない感じでしたが、最新版はファイルストリーミングに対応して全部を一度に同期せずに適宜アクセスしたファイルだけをオフラインに同期してくれるようになって(ずっとオフラインに残したいものは Finder のコンテキストメニューとかから設定出来る)個人的にはだいぶこなれてきたと言うか使いやすくなった気はしています!:tony_happy:
@rriver ちなみに… #GoogleDrive は最初から選択肢に入ってない感じ…ですかね?(バージョン履歴とかも残るので用途には叶っているのかな?とおもって)
自分は大抵のものを #GoogleDrive にまとめちゃってるんですが、 #Affinity と同様ダウンロード GoGo さんで取り扱いがある pCloud は買い切りプランもあるらしくてちょっと気になってます(トライした事はないけど…
@partridge espechally since #GittHub has #GithubPages integrated free of charge and they could've simply gotten yt-dlp.github.io...
Using #Discord is IMHO a disqualifier just like using #GoogleDrive, #MEGA or #Office365...
It's just sus and bad!
#office365 #mega #googledrive #Discord #githubpages #gitthub