Rob · @Rob300
0 followers · 23 posts · Server

Why exists. Help site owners ensure users are using Google a 'trusted browser' that supports and not block by defualt.

Some critical info for anyone using the open internet.

1. Chrome made it harder for users to block ads with Chrome on websites, by downgrading features, such as by forcing mv3

2. Google wants to blow up browsers like and with web drm.

3. made nearly impossible to use while blocking ads.

#googledrm #chrome #ads #googleads #extentions #adblocking #firefox #brave #youtube

Last updated 1 year ago

TiTiNoNero · @77nn
88 followers · 362 posts · Server

Ho implementato il controllo del Web Environment Integrity per mostrare un popup a chi lo avesse installato. Vi invito a fare lo stesso sui vostri siti!

#wei #googledrm

Last updated 1 year ago

Arnel Šarić Sharan :verified: · @sharan
270 followers · 2284 posts · Server

@jon and @Vivaldi - you probably heard about Google trying to push some kind of DRM toward web users to stop ad blockers. The question is... How it will affect Vivaldi users since you're Chromium based, right?

#googledrm #drm #vivaldibrowser #google

Last updated 1 year ago