Wooorld review
4-star rating • Quest • Education, Travel
The Meta Quest may not be powerful enough to run Google Earth in virtual reality, but Wooorld provides the next best thing, plus it adds more features and games that you won't find anywhere else.
Wooorld's window into online maps, images, topography and 3D models is presented coffee-table size in front of you. Grab the corners of the table to enlarge ..
#maps #googlemaps #googleearth #travel #vr #virtualreality
Besides Google earth are there any other services that have satellite imagery over time? #googleearth #satellite
Satellite surfing around #Scotland and apparently this is labeled as "James Bond Skyfall Road" #JamesBond #Skyfall #mapping #GoogleEarth #maps #movies (I guess I don't need to #geolocate that particular scene) https://earth.google.com/web/search/56.61951753,-4.93453546/@56.61983153,-4.93434786,135.4979948a,4799.10143477d,35y,-89.5702452h,5.90478746t,0r/data=CigiJgokCbKlQgpfUUxAEUbaOag5TUxAGcVpyr39pBPAIRyqUj_z1BPA
#scotland #jamesbond #skyfall #mapping #googleearth #maps #movies #geolocate
Y’all were talking about the blurring of Google Maps in Germany. People do that here too, but if you’re located in a major city like NYC, you can fire up Google Earth, put the address in, and then view it at an angle in 3D. It’s very detailed and you’d have no issue picking out the house. There’s zero blurring in Google Earth
It doesn’t work with all the details out in Podunk, but the overheads are decent enough to find stuff.
Og tre og halv måned senere, er det fortsatt ikke rettet opp...🥴
@stroughtonsmith After times, all this will come up with the #VisionPro : #GoogleEarth #MapBox
and also, as i strongly hope #OpenStreetMap with #MapLibre and #StreetsGL
#visionpro #googleearth #mapbox #OpenStreetMap #maplibre #streetsgl
"Bonus content" from my month-long deep dive into the 1923 film LA ROUE. I did not publish this on my review of the film, but it was fun looking up #GoogleEarth views of #MontBlancMassif. The film crew set up camp at Col de Voz which you can see in the foreground of this 3D screenshot. @film #Cinemastodon #SilentFilm
#googleearth #montblancmassif #cinemastodon #silentfilm
Man kann jetzt die #GoogleEarth Daten in #UnrealEngine laden und darin herumfliegen: https://youtu.be/_cziz3qYT4Q
Drei bislang unbekannte römische Militärlager bei Google Earth entdeckt
In der Wüste Jordaniens haben britische Archäologen dank Google Earth römische Militärlager entdeckt. Eventuell müssen Geschichtsbücher umgeschrieben werden.
#Archäologie #Geodaten #Geschichte #GoogleEarth #Luftbildarchäologie #RömischesReich #Satellit
#verpasstodon #archaologie #geodaten #geschichte #googleearth #luftbildarchaologie #romischesreich #satellit
Sabah Al Ahmad - Kuwait
4K link : https://i.imgur.com/pUHpnpG.jpg
#AerialPhotography #SatelliteView #GoogleEarth #Kuwait #Geometry #abstract
#abstract #geometry #kuwait #googleearth #satelliteview #aerialphotography
Drei bislang unbekannte römische Militärlager bei Google Earth entdeckt
In der Wüste Jordaniens haben britische Archäologen dank Google Earth römische Militärlager entdeckt. Eventuell muss gar die Geschichte umgeschrieben werden.
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-04-roman-military-archaeologists-google-earth.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-04-roman-military-archaeologists-google-earth.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1651631461915664392#m
#Roman military camps in desert found by archaeologists using #GoogleEarth @UniofOxford https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/lost-campaign-new-evidence-of-roman-temporary-camps-in-northern-arabia/538421A1D1F89C6EA23F1B757D08CB91 https://phys.org/news/2023-04-roman-military-archaeologists-google-earth.html
@marcterhorst ik zoek even snel en kom dit tegen. Breuken die ploegranden verzetten en flinke zandvulkaan
#geology #surface rupture #googleearth
#googleearth #surface #geology
Ural river - Russia
4k link : https://i.imgur.com/3HA1DeZ.jpg
#AerialPhotography #GoogleEarth #Russia #River #Landscape #SatelliteView
#satelliteview #landscape #river #russia #googleearth #aerialphotography
I wrote a #community #tutorial on making your own web applications using the #Google #EarthEngine platform's #JavaScript API. A global gridded #airpollution (PM2.5) dataset is used as an example.
Here I cover basemap stylization, custom layer selections, inspectors, and basic data visualization.
Link to tutorial: https://lnkd.in/gDVJkDYe
Hope other users find the tutorial helpful.
#googleearth #EarthOutreach
PS: A huge thanks to @jstnbraaten for reviewing and improving the code.
#earthoutreach #googleearth #airpollution #javascript #EarthEngine #google #tutorial #Community
Gwangyang industrial complex - South Korea
4k link : https://i.imgur.com/ytCPbYA.jpg
#MastoArt #Industrial #Landscape #EarthArt #GoogleEarth #SatelliteView #AerialPhotography #SouthKorea
#southkorea #aerialphotography #satelliteview #googleearth #EarthArt #landscape #industrial #MastoArt
Google Earth mostra come è cambiata la terra in 38 anni
#Google #GoogleEarth #terra #timelapse #cambiamento
#google #googleearth #terra #timelapse #cambiamento
#GoogleEarth mostra com'è cambiata la Terra in quasi 40 anni https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/tecnologia/hitech/2023/04/05/google-earth-mostra-come-cambiata-la-terra-in-quasi-40-anni_7c9cea71-ab2b-4bd3-906e-5fd050eb08ea.html
Rio Ribeirao - Brazil
4K link : https://i.imgur.com/xtTN7dx.jpg
#MastoArt #GoogleEarth #EarthArt #Landscape #Abstract #Mapstodon
#mapstodon #abstract #landscape #EarthArt #googleearth #MastoArt