Hey to my Google Fi friends, I have a friend that has a Galaxy A14 5G on Fi and has WiFi Calling enabled in the Fi app.
However in the Phone app in settings it doesn’t show the WiFi Calling option to enable/disable. The system software & carrier settings are all up to date and searching for it in the main Settings page comes up snake eyes as well.
Am I missing anything else to try to get this to work/show up as a option?
How is this not a bait and switch? They took money for a subscription that was supposed to deliver at 24 months, and then at 22 months cancel the program altogether? This needs FTC action.
Google kills Pixel Pass without ever upgrading subscriber’s phones - The Verge
https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/30/23851107/google-graveyard-pixel-pass-subscription-phone-upgrades #google #pixel #pixelpass #googlefi
#google #pixel #pixelpass #googlefi
The email I got from #Google about #GoogleFi wanting to share federally protected data is honestly almost comically awful.
> Google Fi Wireless takes your privacy seriously.
> It’s your right and our duty under federal law to protect the confidentiality of your CPNI.
> From time to time, Fi may wish to provide you with [targeted advertisements based on your CPNI]
> Starting today, we will opt you into the sharing with and use of your CPNI by Alphabet affiliates to receive this information.
If you're using #GoogleFi, make sure to check your email. Apparently they're opting you in to sharing your CPNI with other Alphabet affiliates, which "includes the destination, technical configuration, and location of your calls and information about the type and amount of services that you purchase and use." Opting out is just a click, but you have to do it within 30 days. #privacy
Not very surprising, but #GoogleFi is using some #DarkPatterns to obfuscate "we are selling your call history and location data to the highest bidder for ad targeting" with the opt-out buried at the end of the email. https://fi.google.com/about/tos/#google-fi-privacy-notice
The best part is they call it "opt-in" after pre-selecting the opt-in setting for everyone and sending an email saying you have 30 days to opt out. So that is just a lie.
For those on #GoogleFi, #Google has changed their ToS to add that they'll share your #CPNI to parent company Alphabet's other subitaries and affiliates unless you opt out by September 28th. You should also have an email about this by now as well. https://support.google.com/fi/answer/6181037
How to Enable Google Fi International Roaming?. 📱📶🗺️ #Google #GoogleFi #Android #iOS
In this article, we will delve into the workings of Google Fi's international roaming service and discover how it empowers users to stay connected no matter where they journey. https://www.androidinfotech.com/enable-google-fi-international-roaming/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#google #googlefi #android #iOS
Can I ask the internet for #help here?
I am trying to research possible options for an eventual replacement #cellphone. My requirements are not great tho, and I'm having trouble.
I need a phone:
Compatible with #GoogleFi
With a 3.5 headphone jack
Under 5 inches in size
I have had constant issues with repetitive strain injuries since having to move to a larger #phone, and I need to at least scope out options before I can't use my apparently freakishly tiny hands anymore. :(
#help #cellphone #googlefi #phone
My #googlefi updated 4.
Well it is not looking great for keeping Google Fi as our phone service. Speeds are great. Coverage is fairly good. Not as good as Cricket but ok.
The main issue is, my wife and I have had to restart our phones a few times each to regain service, on seperate times of the day in a one week period. The phone says no service, even though we do have service there. The problem is resolved as soon we restart our phones. Working with support.
Update No.3 on switch to #googlefi
Switched the last two lines from #MintMobile and I will say that the process is more annoying vs Cricket. I had to spend about 10min in chat, per line. First with virtual chat, then a real person asking for my transfer pin. Vs Cricket I just got the pin off of my account dashboard. Second both times I had to justify why I was leaving Mint. Also something I didn't have to do with Cricket.
Once I got the pin, the transfer was quick and is now done.
Update on the switch to #googlefi
Transferred two numbers yesterday, from Cricket. The process was much easier and quicker then I thought. So that was great. Hoping to transfer the other two lines this evening, from Mint.
Did a speed test at a rural park near me and got speeds of 393.8 Mbps⬇️ & 41.5Mbps⬆️
#googlefi #cellular #5g #google
Looking to move the family over to #googlefi this weekend, probably mine today. Hoping to save some cash each month. We are currently on Cricket and Mint, looking to combine to one plan.
Does anyone have Google Fi on here? Anything I should know before making the switch over?
Google Fi is adding cellular Pixel Watch connectivity to my plan for free… six months after the watch came out and thus six months after I got my non-cellular model. 🙃
Previously, the entire family would have had to upgrade every line to a twice-as-expensive plan just for one person to use a watch. Now it’s just included.
Trying to decide if it makes sense to sell my Wi-Fi model to get a cellular model the next time they’re on a decent sale…
#teampixel #pixelwatch #googlefi
Third time's a charm! Google Fi is now "Google Fi Wireless" with a new logo. I hope they won't rename it to "Google Fi Wireless Mobile Network MVNO Reseller" anytime soon. #GoogleFi #rebranding #MVNO #catwordplay 🐱
#googlefi #rebranding #mvno #catwordplay
Ars Technica: Google Fi gets third rebrand in 8 years, adds free trial for eSim phones https://arstechnica.com/?p=1933098 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #GoogleFiWireless #projectfi #googlefi #Tech
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #googlefiwireless #projectfi #googlefi
Google Fi gets third rebrand in 8 years, adds free trial for eSim phones - Enlarge / Google Fi's new brand and logo. (credit: Google)
Goo... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1933098 #googlefiwireless #projectfi #googlefi #tech
#tech #googlefi #projectfi #googlefiwireless
Google Fi has been rebranded and the new name is officially Google Fi Wireless.
Not surprised this didn't happen sooner.
#GoogleFi #GoogleFiWireless #Mobile #AllThingsTech #Tech #Google
#googlefi #googlefiwireless #mobile #allthingstech #tech #google