@silvermoon82 And why the hell are you surprised that when you store your data with an advertisement company, they are not safe?
Firefox Klar/Focus auf ShiftOS-L, das auf AOSP basiert. Evtl. liegt es an den Privatsphäreeinstellungen, aber das ist nur geraten (gibt es da ggf. nur lokale Zugriffsrechte innerhalb der BRD?). Könnte genauso ein „fehlender“ Google-Dienst sein? (Da kenne ich mich gar nicht aus.)
#firefoxklar #firefoxfocus #firefoxforandroid #shiftosl #shiftOS-L #ARDMediathek #tracking #privatsphäre #privatsphaere #googlefree #googlefrei #aosp
#firefoxklar #firefoxfocus #firefoxforandroid #shiftosl #ShiftOS #ardmediathek #tracking #privatsphare #privatsphaere #googlefree #googlefrei #aosp
For everyone asking if #mobilepay works with #googlefree #Murena
Yes, it works.
Testet with fairphone 4 and the app for german #Sparkasse
#mobilepay #googlefree #Murena #sparkasse
"Die Serienfertigung des Volla Phone X23 ist abgeschlossen und bereit zur weltweiten Lieferung! Mit doppelter Sicherheit, einzigartiger Einfachheit und KI-Unterstützung bieten wir ein robustes Smartphone für Ihre Privatsphäre. Erleben Sie Google-freies Android und die Freiheit, die durch Einfachheit und Sicherheit kommt. #Volla #Privacy #Security #GoogleFree #Android
#Android #googlefree #security #privacy #volla
Hi @whyorean
Is there's any other way, beside PP and crypto that I'm avoiding, to contribute to your extremely important work on #aurorastore ?
Love what you're doing for a more #googlefree net 🤗
#aurorastore #googlefree #foss
For those moreso #tech peeps than I am, quick question. Is there a personal free alternative to #GoogleAlerts? Been trying to #DeGoogle and running into next to nothing with the alerts. There are a few ones out there for businesses looking to track their own names/keywords on a subscription basis. Wondering if there's anything out there for those of us just looking to keep track of a couple things in our #inbox once a week or so?
#internet #googlefree
#Tech #googlealerts #degoogle #inbox #internet #googlefree
Now, Proxystore in #Leipzig is selling iodé phones as well.
#iode #Smartphones #Handy #googlefree #linerage
#leipzig #iode #smartphones #handy #googlefree #linerage
Well things started slowly in that direction but now I'm #degoogling as much as I can. The goal is to be #googlefree by next year. Among other things on the list, I'm moving stuff from my blogger version of my personal site to:
@dcm I did this to ditch Gmail as well. I’m almost entirely #GoogleFree these days.
BigTech tacklen!
Seit Mai 2022 haben wir an unserem Marktstand 85 Smartphones entgoogled und freie Betriebssysteme wie @LineageOS @e_mydata @iode aufgespielt.
Wir wollen den großen Tech-Konzernen etwas entgegensetzen.
Unterstütze unsere Arbeit im neuen Jahr mit Deiner Spende! Unser Wirkungsbericht 2022 findest Du hier: https://www.topio.info/#spenden
#Jahresrueckblick #Topio #privacy #datenschutz #googlefree #spenden #floss #opensource
#jahresrueckblick #topio #privacy #datenschutz #googlefree #spenden #floss #opensource
I find it often frustrating how even tech-savvy people are too lazy to switch to privacy-respecting services.
So I wrote a guide on how to install the Google-free Android iodéOS by @iode on the Fairphone 4 by @Fairphone to lower the barrier even further.
Give it a go, anyone familiar with the command line can do it!
#howto #GoogleFree #customROM #fairphone #privacy #iodeOS #LineageOS
#lineageos #IodeOS #privacy #fairphone #customrom #googlefree #howto
#Android without #Google made easy – with @shiftphones
(the little gap with "Rooting" aka Magisk will be filled soon™)
#privacy #googlefree #noGoogle #Google #Android
Wer keine Lust mehr auf die Apple- und Google-Datenkraken hat, hier ein kleiner Tipp: Versucht es doch einmal mit dem freien #Betriebssystem von @e_mydata . Ich nutze das #OS jetzt seit zwei Jahren und kann nur Positives berichten. Das ganze dann noch zusammen mit einem #Fairphone macht die Sache fast perfekt. #googlefree #degoogled
#Degoogled #googlefree #FairPhone #os #Betriebssystem
@fsfe My own example of #UpcyclingAndroid.
#Samsung Galaxy S5, bought in 2014 still working perfectly fine with Android 9. I will upgrade to Android 10 soon.
#UpcyclingAndroid #samsung #fsfe #opensource #android #nogoogle #googlefree
@TinodiGacco@mastodon.bida.im sono #googlefree sopratutto per la privacy. Poi non amo servizi centralizzati ma preferisco peer2peer … e ciò senza algoritmi che decidono cosa vedo e cosa non vedo
@jhansen Gran scelta. Non è facile e non tutti possono permettersela.
Ci sono importanti ragioni per farla o almeno per usare alternative ai servizi google.
Tu per quali motivi sei #googleFree ?
#itm #noagenda #family #noagendafamily
@adam @Johncdvorak I've hit everyone everywhere in the mouth. Today I go to hit my dad in the mouth by letting him listen to his first show. I've hit and hit already but he doesn't have internet or a cell. Not even a debit card. That's about to change soon as this son named Ben will be getting him setup on a cell phone #googlefree #aosp #foss
#itm #noagenda #foss #tyfyc #googlefree #noagendafamily #family #aosp