Google’s head of AR software quits, citing “unstable commitment and vision” - Enlarge / Product photography of the Google Glass wearable. (credit: Go... - #augmentedreality #applevisionpro #marklucovsky #mixedreality #googleglass #projectiris #visionpro #visionos #google #apple #tech #meta #ar #xr
#xr #ar #meta #tech #apple #google #visionos #visionpro #projectiris #googleglass #mixedreality #marklucovsky #applevisionpro #augmentedreality
Ars Technica: Google’s head of AR software quits, citing “unstable commitment and vision” #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #augmentedreality #AppleVisionPro #MarkLucovsky #mixedreality #GoogleGlass #ProjectIris #visionpro #visionOS #google #apple #Tech #meta #ar #XR
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #augmentedreality #applevisionpro #marklucovsky #mixedreality #googleglass #projectiris #visionpro #visionos #google #apple #meta #ar #xr
L'intelligenza artificiale dei Google Glass può aiutare i non vedenti
#IntelligenzaArtificiale #GoogleGlass #nonvedenti #ipovedenti #RealtaAumentata #occhiali #vista
#intelligenzaartificiale #googleglass #nonvedenti #ipovedenti #realtaaumentata #occhiali #vista
New to #TheVideoGameLibrary! 📚
A fun, informative and irreverent romp through the history of more than 40 pieces of personal tech, charting the successes, failures and oddities from over five decades of our obsession with gadgetry.
#Tamagotchi #GameBoy #Nintendo #Tomy #Dingbot #Atari #AtariLynx #RubiksCube #Furby #RaspberryPi #GoogleGlass #GBA #GameBoyAdvance #VideoGames #Gaming #Gamer #PalmPilot #NGage #Nokia #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Game #Nokia3310
#Nokia3310 #game #bookstodon #Books #book #Nokia #NGage #palmpilot #gamer #Gaming #videogames #gameboyadvance #gba #googleglass #RaspberryPi #furby #rubikscube #AtariLynx #atari #dingbot #tomy #Nintendo #Gameboy #tamagotchi #thevideogamelibrary
#GWB - Pixel Glass: Google hat die Entwicklung der smarten AR-Brille eingestellt – will sich auf Android XR konzentrieren - #augmentedreality #googleglass #schliessung #pixelglass #androidxr #Google
#gwb #augmentedreality #googleglass #schliessung #pixelglass #androidxr #google
@webuiltthiscity There, we finally found an application for #googleglass - recording footage for the #av lawsuit.
Distinctions have blurred such that "want" and "need" have been led by the marketing community to become synonyms. Most of us fall for it to some extent, though some of us are more susceptible than others. #WWDC23 #VisionPro #GoogleGlass
#wwdc23 #visionpro #googleglass
I can't believe people went crazy over a diving mask, I mean, do you realize how much better #Googleglass were than #AppleVisionPro's?
But above all to use them you must definitely have a new Apple pro, all for the price of #Mac Pro $7000 APV $3500 total = $10500🤣
#mac #applevisionpro #googleglass
#MinorityReport 0.9a #GoogleGlass had this potential, I really looked forward to Glass being a consumer tool, but Google's mistake was making it first for outdoors - photography and GPS. It was an inspired idea, but people saw it as "spook tech" for creapazoids.
Apple, like Oculus, are taking a more conservative "primary-indoor" approach - use in the safety of your home or office.
Contrary to what I've seen one or two say about this, I think, especially as a 3D modeller/printer, there is a place for immersive, simulated environments. To be able to hold an existing part and its 3D model counterpart together, on in real space, one in virtual space, perfectly to scale, and see what design tweaks I need to make, will improve my developments beyond even my imagining.
To the critics, this is not a 3D VR headset, it's a 3D AR headset, and you need to learn the difference. I'm 63 in September, and some of the critics in their 20s and 30s are more rigid thinkers than my grandmother was in her 70s!
Hab gerade mal die Infos zu #AppleVisionPro nachgelesen. I don't get it.
Ich hab vor ein paar Jahren VR ausprobiert. Bis auf kurze Wow-Momente ist nie etwas hängen geblieben.
Ich sehe außer ein wenig Gaming keine Usecases im Consumer-Bereich.
Hätte Apple einen #GoogleGlass Nachfolger präsentiert, wäre ich maximal gehyped und würde ernsthaft über einen Wechsel nachdenken. 🤓
Someone asked me how #AppleVisionPro is not like #GoogleGlass in that it would make you a social pariah for wearing it. My gut reaction (having used Glass but not Vision Pro) is that using VP is like using a big screen computer or media center, while using Glass was like using an Apple Watch for notifications. VP’s interaction expects you to remain more or less stationary while using it, while you’re expected to move around while wearing Glass.
IOW, I feel like Vision Pro encourages you to disengage with your social context to deeply engage with the computer’s content (like when you’re working on your laptop in a Cafe), only occasionally coming back to interact with others around you; while Glass encourages you to continue to engage with your social context *but continually distracts you from it*.
I don’t think Vision Pro will lead to the #glasshole problem, unless people start wearing it during social-interaction-heavy occasions. Now, about that guy wearing it during a kid’s birthday party…
#applevisionpro #googleglass #glasshole
So based on my Mastodon feed, it looks like #Apple is has just invented #GoogleGlass. Is that right?
Textbook #actuallyAutistic answer:
UX colleague, around 2014, holding #GoogleGlass in their hands, excited: “Have you tried this yet??!?”
Me: “No.”
[extremely long pause; UX person eventually saved by the lunch bell]
I guess this is what table 2 in the DSM-5 calls “minimal response to social overture from others”. I call it natural resilience to bullshit (the Frankfurt/Graeber kind).
#actuallyautistic #googleglass
ChatGPT souffliert bei Bewerbungen – über AR-Brille
Studierende haben ein OpenAI-Sprachmodell mit einer AR-Brille kombiniert. Die Sprach-KI wird so zum Sozial-Coach.
#AugmentedReality #ChatGPT #Google #GoogleGlass #Karriere #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Wearables #news
#augmentedreality #chatgpt #google #googleglass #karriere #kunstlicheintelligenz #wearables #news
Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 wird eingestellt
Das Auf und Ab geht weiter: Google gibt bekannt, dass die Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 eingestellt wird. Ob es einen Nachfolger gibt?
Die Geschichte rund um die Google Glas scheint keine Erfolgsgeschichte mehr zu werden. Im Jahr 2014 versuchte der
#BlicküberdenTellerand #Einstellung #Google #GoogleGlass #GoogleGlassEnterpriseEdition2
#blickuberdentellerand #einstellung #google #googleglass #googleglassenterpriseedition2
O que levou o Google a desistir do Google Glass?
Confira! 👇
#Tecnologia #RealidadeAumentada #ÓculosInteligentes #Inovação #GoogleGlass #Google #Ar #Alphabet #ForbesTech
#tecnologia #realidadeaumentada #oculosinteligentes #inovacao #googleglass #google #ar #alphabet #forbestech
#Google has marked yet another end-of-life for the Glass product that was originally meant to start an augmented reality revolution.
Sales have already ceased, and support ends later this year.
Once again, Google kills Google Glass
The company's decision to terminate Glass Enterprise Edition 2 may be related to the announcement of layoffs affecting around 12,000 employees.
#Google #GoogleGlass #technews
#google #googleglass #technews