Can’t believe how deep I dug into some of Google’s products in the past..
The 2 main problems I have with #Google products is:
Anyone remember #GoogleInbox #GoogleDuo #GoogleAllo #GoogleHangouts #GoogleStadia or #WorksWithNest? (
Why would I buy a product that I know won’t be supported a year later?
I feel alone with the concern over privacy. The concerns I have advertising profiles being built with our data, #Ai being trained with our data, and governments given access to our data.
I’ve been slowly replacing them all, mostly with #Apple products; the lesser evil.
#google #obsolescence #googleinbox #googleduo #googleallo #googlehangouts #googlestadia #workswithnest #privacy #AI #Apple
Me entero que #GoogleInbox muere hoy, nunca lo usé, nunca le entendí, larga vida a #GMail
Sympathy to all the #GoogleInbox folks giving it up in the next couple weeks. I used it for ages and jumped ship all the way to Fastmail when Google announced the Inbox sunset.
Rest in peace #GoogleInbox