It is not needed to directly go 100% no Google. But every step away is important.
Not if you (or i) alone do it. But if many do it, it will be noticed.
#google #googlemustdie #nextcloud #runyourowninfrastructure #nocloud #drmsucks
#google #googlemustdie #Nextcloud #runyourowninfrastructure #nocloud #drmsucks
And even little steps get you in the right direction. Run your own Mailserver (or go to a smaller provider), leave Gmail.
Run nextcloud, it offers a lot of the features you use from Google.
#google #without #drm #drmsucks #bigtech #Nextcloud #selfhost #googlemustdie #freeweb
#google #without #drm #drmsucks #bigtech #Nextcloud #selfhost #googlemustdie #freeweb
So it seems that "if you work at #Google, you are part of the problem" is pretty valid. As is "if you use a Google product, you are part of the problem".
Yes, i know how big Google is, and yes, your job may be "far away" from the idiots that are working on killing the web.
Sorry, no excuse, you are indirectly helping them and Google.
Yes, it is more work to not just use Google tech.
Sorry, no excuse, it is possible to go #without Google products.
#drm #drmsucks #bigtech #nextcloud #selfhost #googlemustdie #freeweb
#google #without #drm #drmsucks #bigtech #Nextcloud #selfhost #googlemustdie #freeweb
@ChrisWilson @irritable Thank you! Very appreciated.
Was recently first kicked off twice and now banned from uploading. I hate YouTube. #googlemustdie 😂