I wanted to share an organization tool I really like: Obsidian
#Obsidian is a #hackable personal info management (#PIM) system that I currently use for a #journal, #ToDo lists, #QuantifiedSelf stats, #notes, etc.
It entirely replaced #GoogleNotes, #Todoist, #Trello and grocery list apps for me (I've been tryin to ditch #Google and other #spyware apps wherever possible).
My plugins for it are: Advanced Tables, Breadcrumbs, Calendar, Dataview, Editor Syntax Highlight, Excalidraw, Kanban, Outliner, Periodic Notes, Tasks, and Templater.
I made the following template to track my daily feelz. Almost all my stats are on the attached 0-10 scale so I can aggregate them in order to study trends or share with my doctor(s).
If anyone makes some interesting template or code, please consider sharing it!
date: {{date}}
tags: ["journal", "daily"]
# Kanban
## Tasks
![[To Do#To Do]]
![[To Do#In Progress]]
## Healthcare
![[Healthcare#Next Steps]]
## Career
![[Career#Next Steps]]
# Stats
### Physical Health
#### Physical Health Notes
### Mental Health
#### Mental Health Notes
### Food
#### Food Notes
### Journal Entry
#obsidian #hackable #pim #journal #todo #quantifiedself #notes #googlenotes #todoist #trello #google #spyware #health #exercise #sleep #migraine #weight #mood #anger #anxiety #body_image #depression #happiness #sadness #drinks #breakfast #lunch #dinner #snack