I just published Google Code Scanner makes code scanning easy -Android
#Kotlin #AndroidDev #android #JetPackCompose #BarcodeScanning #GooglePlayServices
#kotlin #AndroidDev #android #JetpackCompose #barcodescanning #googleplayservices
Google запускає бета-тест Privacy Sandbox on Android – інструмента для підбору персоналізованої реклами без шкоди конфіденційності https://itc.ua/ua/novini/google-zapuskaye-beta-test-privacy-sandbox-on-android-instrumenta-dlya-pidboru-personalizovanoyi-reklamy-bez-shkody-konfidentsijnosti/ #PrivacySandboxonAndroid #GooglePlayServices #Сервіси #Новини #Google #Apple #Софт
#privacysandboxonandroid #googleplayservices #сервіси #новини #google #apple #софт
@gnulinux also ich komme mit meinem @GrapheneOS Pixel statt des iPhones überraschend gut klar. Nur bei Fido bzw. WebAuthn und Benachrichtigungen, hab ich ohne #googleplayservices immense Probleme...
#googleplayservices services stopped working in my daughter's fire tablet! #Google did what I couldn't! They stopped my daughter from watching #YouTube!! Yey!
#googleplayservices #google #youtube
And finally today, the #GooglePlayServices update has actually landed, so I don't have a silly warning in the security settings section of #Bytestar #Android13 #Samsung
#googleplayservices #Bytestar #android13 #samsung
#GWB - Android: Google Play Store bekommt neue Funktion – kann Bots von echten Nutzern unterscheiden - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2023/01/android-google-play-store-bots/ #googleplayservices #googleplay #android #Google
#gwb #googleplayservices #googleplay #android #google
@agnesevardanega @informapirata ugualmente non hai soluzioni contro l'uso del #googleplayservices: l'unica è usare #microg o @GrapheneOS, però richiede conoscenze, non sono soluzioni complete e la prima scarta buona parte della sicurezza del cellulare a vantaggio della privacy
@agnesevardanega @informapirata normalmente è risaputo che le politiche di tracciamento della posizione nelle app google (precisamente nel #googleplayservices, una applicazione di sistema creata da google per integrare una serie di funzioni che non vogliono rendere libere, come #pagamenti, #notifichegoogle, ...) È di per se mal fatto, spesso google ti incoraggia ad attivarlo e si nasconde nel campo "attività web ed app", un nome vago e impreciso che nasconde un tracciamento fine dell'utente...
#googleplayservices #pagamenti #notifichegoogle
One month has passed since I switched to GrapheneOS, and I'm very happy with it so far. The invasive nature of Google Play Services did lead to some headaches, however.
#GrapheneOS #Android #OpenSource #Degoogle #Smartphones #GooglePlayServices
#grapheneos #android #opensource #degoogle #smartphones #googleplayservices
Bei wem mit #SailfishOS hat heute am #Warntag #CellBroadcast funktioniert?
Frage besonders auch an die ohne #GooglePlay, #GooglePlayServices und #GooglePlayStore.
(Auch wenn ihr kein Sailfish OS habt: Bitte boosten für mehr Reichweite, danke.)
#sailfishos #warntag #cellbroadcast #googleplay #googleplayservices #googleplaystore #followerpower #sailfish #jolla
Bei wem mit #SailfishOS hat heute am #Warntag #CellBroadcast funktioniert?
Frage besonders auch an die ohne #GooglePlay, #GooglePlayServices und #GooglePlayStore.
(Auch wenn ihr kein Sailfish OS habt: Bitte boosten für mehr Reichweite, danke.)
#sailfishos #warntag #cellbroadcast #googleplay #googleplayservices #googleplaystore #followerpower #sailfish #jolla
@hyperbolix Würde ich ehrlich gesagt drüber lachen.
Als wenn irgendeiner von denen irgendwas hätte, was auf meinem Gerät installierbar wär.
#SailfishOS ohne #GooglePlayServices und so...
#sailfishos #googleplayservices
What started as the "Android Open Source Project" is now anything but, due Google's decision to move several important features into its proprietary ecosystem. There are alternatives, however.
#Android #OpenSource #Google #Smartphones #GooglePlayServices
#android #opensource #google #smartphones #googleplayservices
#GWB - Android: Das sind die Google Play Services – wichtiges Framework erklärt Aufgaben und sammelt die Optionen - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2022/11/android-das-google-play/ #googleplayservices #android #Google
#gwb #googleplayservices #android #google
#GWB - Android: Google Play Services werden jetzt sichtbarer – neuer Bereich erklärt Aufgaben und sammelt Optionen - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2022/11/android-google-play-services-portal/ #googleplayservices #android #Google
#gwb #googleplayservices #android #google
How to update Google Play Services on your Android phone or tablet
#PlayServicesupdates #Guides&How-Tos #googleplayservices #Applications #appupdates #AndroidOS
#PlayServicesupdates #Guides #googleplayservices #applications #appupdates #AndroidOS
Latest Google System Updates bring almost-forgotten audio switching feature
#googleplaysystemupdate #googleplayservices #OperatingSystems #News
#googleplaysystemupdate #googleplayservices #operatingsystems #news
New Google Play system update tells you when a data breach may have compromised your accounts
#googleplayservices #OperatingSystems #GooglePlayStore #Googlewallet #databreach #News
#googleplayservices #operatingsystems #googleplaystore #Googlewallet #databreach #news
Google rolls out Game Dashboard to Play Services, finally making the jump to the Pixel 6a
#googleplayservices #Applications #android13 #Phones #News
#googleplayservices #applications #android13 #phones #news
Come ho detto all'inizio, ho la rom stock
Quindi, si, i servizi Gluglu (tutti, non solo il Play Store) li ho tolti io con un metodo manuale, sul mio attuale telefono e anche sul mio precedente
Leggi questo thread che ho impiegato tipo mezz'ora a ritrovare, lo perdo sempre.. https://mastodon.uno/@octo/108160898229014525
A proposito, fammi mettere una decina di hashtag che così forse non lo perdo più: #google #googleplay #playservices #playstore #debloat #privacy #googleplayservices #xda #guide #guida #android
#android #guida #guide #xda #googleplayservices #privacy #debloat #playstore #playservices #googleplay #google