So is there actually a good #RSS reader, ideally an online one but certainly one with linux support, out there these days ?
I think I may need to start building up a good feed again. I kind of stopped back when #GoogleReader got killed, but my time on #Mastodon has got me thinking that was a mistake.
I may have been a _little_ release happy with my rss reader project. 22 releases in *checks watch* three weeks.
It's proving to be a nice distraction for an overly busy brain. Programming is generally relaxing for me because it engages me so fully that those other thoughts can't get a look in.
#Golang #htmx #googlereader #RSS #rssole
The Tyee: Who Needs Meta or Google for News? Use ‘Really Simple Syndication’ #bcnews #TheTyee - via #ReallySimpleSyndicationnewsfeed #FacebookCEOMarkZuckerberg #ReallySimpleSyndication #CanadaOnlineNewsAct #CanadianJournalism #MetablocksTheTyee #TheTyeehomepage #CanadaBillC-18 #FirefoxFeedbro #GoogleBillC-18 #GoogleReader #MetaBillC-18 #TheOldReader #AppleNews
#BCNews #TheTyee #reallysimplesyndicationnewsfeed #facebookceomarkzuckerberg #reallysimplesyndication #canadaonlinenewsact #canadianjournalism #metablocksthetyee #thetyeehomepage #canadabillc #firefoxfeedbro #googlebillc #googlereader #metabillc #theoldreader #applenews
Added add/edit/delete of feeds in the UI in rssole - no more editing json config files by hand (unless you want to).
I've been enjoying the giddy validation of a few GitHub stars for rssole, my little RSS reader. Double figures of stars is enough for me to crow that I'm "doing serious numbers". My cat is keeping me grounded by pretending not to be impressed.
Visually it's still quite basic, and I'm ok with that although I suspect a proper visual designer could make it far nicer while still keeping it clean and compact.
#rssole #htmx #Golang #RSS #googlereader
Interesting article on the demise of Google Reader.
I'm as cross as anyone about the impacts of this, but reading the article it feels like even if it had stuck around it might have ended up trying to do too much, which would have had its own consequences.
I know people say that the death of #GoogleReader killed the RSS (or something) but when the Reader died I just moved on to Feedly. I have been using #RSS since the 2000s and never stopped 🤷
#googlereader #rss #internet #feedly
@drandrewv2 I mean, we'd kind of need a decent feature-rich feed reader for that... ever since #GoogleReader was killed, nothing has really sufficed.
Saving this to read later, like I did with #GoogleReader I loved that app, connected with family and friends with it.
How Google Reader died — and why the web misses it more than ever.
Google Reader offered a powerful way to curate and read the internet. Ten years after its demise, the team that built the feed-reading tool tells The Verge what went wrong and what could have been.
#Google #GoogleReader #Curation #Internet
#google #googlereader #curation #internet
@mforester @andybaio
I have no opinion on whether it equated to the death of rss/atom...
It is 10 years so memory may fail me but #GoogleReader was one of the first app I could use seamlessly on my computer, iPad and phone, it was simple and it worked... yes #Feedly was / is also good but...🙂
By the way, I've recently started using #Substack for #rssfeeds and it works very well... I find that #feedly (free tier) is not so useful anymore so most of my feeds are now on Substack
#googlereader #feedly #substack #rssfeeds
@andybaio, #GoogleReader was awesome. It did what one needed it for.
(Could we say that given the low info density, flat design superficiality of everything that came later, Reader’s shutdown marked the death of “Web 2.0”?)
I was at Google at the time and recall my own and other Googlers’ disappointment
Perhaps the biggest disappointment though is how everyone seems to have understood the death of Reader as the death of feeds
Feeds aren’t dead, but we lost a decade bringing them to people
10 years ago #GoogleReader was shut down. A product that is still missed all those years later. It was a great product. Heck, it would be one even today. That decision changed how people saw Google. It was the turning point.
This Verge article about Google Reader kinda made me depressed. I feel so lucky to have grown up in the aughts and to used the early internet. It was like a cool world you could dive in and find cool stuff and meet new people. It's so sad to see the distopian future we live now. Sure, I have a 1GB/s connection on my phone, but was everything really worth it? #googlereader #internet #web #earlyweb #verge #google
#googlereader #internet #web #earlyweb #verge #google
Man I think I used Bloglines at some point #GoogleReader
The year is 2023 and we finally see a #postMortem solving the #GoogleReader #whodunnit.
Or does it.
Bring your own #ReaderMode (no pun intended).
#postmortem #googlereader #whodunnit #ReaderMode
An ironic headline to encounter on #Feedly, the #RSS feed reader that I started using after #GoogleReader was killed.
oigan, con #activitypub combinado con una (o varias) plataformas sociales al estilo del difunto #googlereader podríamos rescatar el blogging y la web...
just saying