#Office-Suite: Duet KI macht #Google Docs zum Lektor und Sheets zum Reiseplaner | iX Magazin https://www.heise.de/news/Office-Suite-Duet-KI-macht-Google-Docs-zum-Lektor-und-Sheets-zum-Reiseplaner-9291903.html #ArtificialIntelligence #GoogleDocs #GoogleSheets #GoogleDuet #GoogleWorkspace
#office #google #artificialintelligence #googledocs #googlesheets #googleduet #googleworkspace
Jetzt offiziell: Meetings sind so wichtig, dass Googles KI sie übernehmen kann | iX Magazin https://www.heise.de/news/Kuenstliche-Intelligenz-Google-schickt-seine-Duet-KI-in-alle-Workspace-Bereiche-9289707.html #Google #GoogleDuet #ArtificialIntelligence #VideoConferencing #GoogleWorkspace
#google #googleduet #artificialintelligence #videoconferencing #googleworkspace
Google’s $30-per-month “Duet” AI will craft awkward emails, images for you - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images / Benj Edwards)
On Tuesday, Goog... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1964020 #largelanguagemodels #googleworkspace #machinelearning #googlebard #googledocs #goolgeduet #aiprivacy #aiethics #chatgpt #chatgtp #privacy #biz #google #openai #palm2 #tech #ai
#ai #tech #palm2 #openai #google #biz #privacy #chatgtp #chatgpt #aiethics #aiprivacy #goolgeduet #googledocs #googlebard #machinelearning #googleworkspace #largelanguagemodels
Ars Technica: Google’s $30-per-month “Duet” AI will craft awkward emails, images for you https://arstechnica.com/?p=1964020 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #largelanguagemodels #googleworkspace #machinelearning #GoogleBard #Googledocs #GoolgeDuet #AIprivacy #AIethics #ChatGPT #chatgtp #privacy #Biz&IT #Google #google #openai #PaLM2 #Tech #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #largelanguagemodels #googleworkspace #machinelearning #googlebard #googledocs #goolgeduet #aiprivacy #aiethics #chatgpt #chatgtp #privacy #biz #google #openai #palm2 #ai
Google’s Duet AI now available for Workspace enterprise customers - Google’s Duet AI is now generally available, bringing the generative AI assistant to i... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3705372/googles-duet-ai-now-available-for-workspace-enterprise-customers.html#tk.rss_all #artificialintelligence #googleworkspace #generativeai
#generativeAI #googleworkspace #artificialintelligence
01 Net: Google veut rendre les réunions un peu plus intelligentes https://www.01net.com/actualites/google-veut-rendre-les-reunions-un-peu-plus-intelligentes.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis,Logiciels #googleworkspace
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis #googleworkspace
Gizmodo: Dropbox Is Dropping Unlimited Storage, Blames Crypto Miners https://gizmodo.com/dropbox-ends-unlimited-storage-blames-crypto-miners-1850773843?utm_source=regular #googleworkspaceenterprisestorage #universalwindowsplatformapps #onlinebackupservices #filesharingservices #criticismofdropbox #technologyinternet #cloudapplications #googleworkspace #cloudcomputing #cryptocurrency #cloudstorage #proofofspace #googledrive #dropbox #google #chia
#googleworkspaceenterprisestorage #universalwindowsplatformapps #onlinebackupservices #filesharingservices #criticismofdropbox #technologyinternet #cloudapplications #googleworkspace #cloudcomputing #cryptocurrency #cloudstorage #proofofspace #googledrive #dropbox #google #chia
Google Workspace is taking yet another step towards providing the most secure and reliable productivity suite available. #GoogleWorkspace #ZeroTrust #DataLossPrevention #DigitalSovereignty #IlluminatiApproved http://www.techmeme.com/230823/p31#a230823p31
#googleworkspace #zerotrust #datalossprevention #digitalsovereignty #illuminatiapproved
TechcrunchSecurity: Google plans to bring AI-fueled security enhancements to Google Workspace https://techcrunch.com/2023/08/23/google-plans-to-bring-ai-fueled-security-enhancements-to-google-workspace/ #datasovereignty #GoogleWorkspace #Enterprise #encryption #Security #Google
#datasovereignty #googleworkspace #enterprise #encryption #security #google
Google Workspace tips and tutorials - From its humble origins as a collection of cloud apps known as Gmail for Your Domain, ... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3704811/how-to-use-google-workspace-tips-tutorials-cheat-sheets.html#tk.rss_all #smallandmediumbusiness #collaborationsoftware #productivitysoftware #googleworkspace #officesuites
#officesuites #googleworkspace #productivitysoftware #collaborationsoftware #smallandmediumbusiness
01 Net: Google lance une fonction pour signer vos documents sur Google Docs et Google Drive https://www.01net.com/actualites/google-lance-une-fonction-pour-signer-vos-documents-sur-google-docs-et-google-drive.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis,Logiciels #googleworkspace #googledrive #GoogleDocs
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Applis #googleworkspace #googledrive #googledocs
I am loving the new #Email #Security I implemented from #Avanan in my #Office365. Caught my first #Phish today. I highly recommend this for anyone using #Office365 or #GoogleWorkspace. Just a note this is technically a business product even as inexpensive as it is. You will need an LLC or such to do business with them. But I say it's totally worth it.
#InfoSec #Cybersecurity #IT
#email #security #avanan #office365 #phish #googleworkspace #InfoSec #cybersecurity #IT
Google’s new security pilot program will ban employee Internet access - Enlarge (credit: Sean Gallup | Getty Images)
The Internet is d... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1955186 #googleworkspace #internet #google #tech
#tech #google #internet #googleworkspace
Ars Technica: Google’s new security pilot program will ban employee Internet access https://arstechnica.com/?p=1955186 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #googleworkspace #Internet #Google #google #Tech
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #googleworkspace #internet #google
How to use the new AI writing tool in Google Docs and Gmail - Joining the generative AI gold rush, Google last month announced plans to bring severa... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3698515/how-to-use-help-me-write-ai-writing-tool-google-docs-gmail.html#tk.rss_all #artificialintelligence #googleworkspace #chatbots #gmail
#gmail #chatbots #googleworkspace #artificialintelligence
Here’s what your boss might be able to see while you’re at work
Workplace software such as #Microsoft , #GoogleWorkspace , #Slack and #Zoom log certain activities that could be accessed by your employer.
#privacy #surveillance
#surveillance #privacy #zoom #slack #googleworkspace #Microsoft
#GWB - Google Workspace: Der Anfang vom Ende des Passwort – Google bietet jetzt Passkeys für Beta-Nutzer; so gehts - https://www.googlewatchblog.de/2023/06/google-workspace-der-anfang/ #googleworkspace #passkey #Google
#gwb #googleworkspace #Passkey #google
Do you run #office365 or #googleworkspace for frienda and family, clubs or even at work? Do you know what SaaS services people are using the email as #sso for? What third party #saas services are getting access to your data?
#pushsecurity have an app, with 10 free licences, which can answer that question..
#office365 #googleworkspace #sso #saas #pushsecurity #techblog #security #cloud #blog #tools
Still cannot believe #GoogleWorkspace doesn't have a real shared mailbox or ability to quickly give others access to a mailbox. Groups and delegation have their place, but just not the same. Microsoft makes it so easy. We run our whole business out of workspace as a #MSP, but prefer supporting #Microsoft365 for clients. Just easier. 🤷♂️
#googleworkspace #MSP #microsoft365
I just got informed that buying extra storage space for individual #GoogleWorkspace accounts will no longer be possible.
Instead, all space will be pooled, and our small company would need to upgrade all users to the next tier to make it possible for me to keep my archives on Google Drive.
Yet a shitty move from Google.
So, related to this: some notes on how to clean up Google Drive space claimed by backup apps such Rclone or Arq: https://txt.bins.se/kers/clean-up-google-drive-space-claimed-by-backup-apps-such-rclone-or-arq