Moms for Liberty, a nonprofit claiming to advocate for “parental rights,” appears to be using parents as pawns to advance a far-right agenda. The group advocates to strip districts of protective COVID-19 measures and modify classroom curriculum to exclude the teaching of “critical race theory” (CRT) and sex education, all in the name of “parental rights.” #MomsForLiberty #GOPTerrorism #GOPBookBans #CRT #VoteBlueIfYouWantToLive
Unmasking Moms for Liberty 12-NOV-2021
#voteblueifyouwanttolive #crt #gopbookbans #gopterrorism #MomsForLiberty From public backlash Leaders in a rural Texas county held a special meeting Thursday but drew back from the drastic option of shutting their public library system rather than heeding a federal judge’s order to return books to the shelves on themes ranging from teen sexuality and gender to bigotry and race They plan to do it out of public scrutiny #GOPbookBans #MAGAextremistRepublicans ##GOPFascists #TexasTaliban #GOPNaziParty
#gopbookbans #magaextremistrepublicans #GOPfascists #texastaliban #gopnaziparty
Too poor to afford books
GOP shuts down the library
Our knowledge held hostage
#gopbookbans #missouri #defundlibraries #knowledgeheldhostage #haiku #poetry
#gopbookbans #missouri #defundlibraries #knowledgeheldhostage #haiku #poetry