How many fucking presidents does God want? Anyway, I'm pretty sure this isn't the one God wants to win.
#MikePence #NeverMikePence #TheyTriedToHangYouBro #GOPCircus
Mike Pence Claims God Is Calling Him To Run For President
#gopcircus #theytriedtohangyoubro #nevermikepence #mikepence
#Texas #GOPCircus #MAGAMadness #StupidParents #JamesAndTheGiantPeach #Theater
This is insane. Not surprising, but insane.
#texas #gopcircus #magamadness #stupidparents #jamesandthegiantpeach #theater
#TransgenderRights #GOPCircus #HumanRights #ZooeyZephyr #Fascists
THIS. We've all heard it used by plenty of people.
#transgenderrights #gopcircus #humanrights #zooeyzephyr #fascists
#GOPCircus #Rebpublicans #AnitWoke
Let me know if you think this is too far off:
The hue and cry over wokeness is being shouted by the far right, and center right, in many cases.
They are worried their way of life is being eroded by liberal thinking, inclusion, equality, their histories made to include the barbarism they used, etc.
They are protesting loudly, but when any minority group tries to stand up and do the VERY same, they are shut down, or hated, or their very existence is questioned, and attempts are made to have their histories changed and erased.
The right doesn't see any irony here?
#gopcircus #rebpublicans #anitwoke
America: we're paying this douchebag for this bullshit.
Jim Jordan Takes MAGA Roadshow To Alvin Bragg's Manhattan
#ShameOnTexas #GOPCircus #Torture
Casiano says she won't get pregnant again – she doesn't want to take the chance of reliving this experience. She wanted to have her tubes tied when she delivered last week, but couldn't because of a Medicaid rule that requires a 30-day waiting period after giving birth. She has an intrauterine device for birth control in the meantime.
She's applied for short term disability and is taking leave from work while she recovers physically and emotionally. Her young kids are trying to understand what happened, she says. "They know she passed away, they understand it," she says, but it's hard – they're emotional about it and have lots of questions. "Now they have to go to a funeral. Now they have to see her. Now they have to really understand what is going on."
Even as she tries to give her daughter the best funeral she can, she thinks she should have been able to get an abortion in Texas months ago.
#shameontexas #gopcircus #torture
Courtesy of Yahoo News and Washington Post
Referring to #GOP House committees: "You can't find two people to defend their statements. That's pretty disgraceful." #GOPCircus
#Democrats #Republicans #GOPExtremists #GOPCircus
Here's an exercise that hopefully shows people the stark differences between the left/Democrats and the current rights extremists (and by their silence) the conservatives.
Call out liberals and democrats for the very worst things they push. Let's compare and maybe discuss what we see wrong with democrats today. Try to be honest, and please no flaming anyone who might have a legitimate gripe.
Mine? Democrats are NOT forceful enough considering what the right has gotten done/gotten away with.
#Democrats #republicans #gopextremists #gopcircus
#GOPCircus #GOPHypocrisy #BushEmails #GeorgeBush #Remember
How quickly THEY move on and focus on what OTHERS do.
"Responding to congressional demands for emails in connection with its investigation into the partisan firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the White House announced that as many as five million emails, covering a two-year span, had been lost."
Don't forget that extremely well controlled, specifically located fire in Cheney's office.
#gopcircus #gophypocrisy #bushemails #georgebush #remember
#Quotes #GOPCircus #DumpTrump #Narcissist
"For narcissists, setbacks are not opportunities to learn;
they're problems caused by somebody else
who got in their way or sabotaged their plans."
"Withhold admiration from a narcissist and be disliked.
Give it and be treated with indifference."
"When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens,
I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary.
I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed,
to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose."
"Narcissists, when their position has been exposed as false,
arbitrary, or untenable, will suddenly become evasive, articulate half-truths, lie (actually, as much to themselves as others),
flat-out contradict themselves (and to a degree that can leave
the other person gaping!), and freely rewrite history (literally—
and audaciously—making things up as they go along).
#quotes #gopcircus #dumptrump #narcissist
#Quotes #Leadership #HermannGöringNazi #Control #Blame #GOPCircus
The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country. -Hermann Göring, Nazi military leader (12 Jan 1893-1946)
#quotes #leadership #hermanngoringnazi #control #blame #gopcircus
#Quotes #GOPCircus #GeorgeCarlin
"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.
"Conservatives don't give a shit about you until you reach 'military age'. Then they think you are just fine. Just what they've been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. George Carlin
I'd add uneducated soldiers.
#quotes #gopcircus #georgecarlin
#GOPCircus #Ignorant #Awake #Intolerant #ProWoke
Boobert is a joke and bad human.
#gopcircus #ignorant #awake #intolerant #prowoke
Nikki Haley announces 2024 Presidential Bid
And the world yawns🥱
And the world yawns🥱