We're thankful for organizations like Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW): Six Republican and unaffiliated Colorado voters, represented by CREW and distinguished CO attorneys, just filed a lawsuit to remove Donald Trump from the state's ballot because he is disqualified under the constitution's 14th amendment. #TFG #GOPConspiracy #14A https://www.citizensforethics.org/news/press-releases/lawsuit-filed-to-remove-trump-from-ballot-in-co-under-14th-amendment/
The RNC should listen to Bill: Bill Palatucci, a RNC member from NJ is sounding the alarm that the RNC needs to adopt an escape hatch to boot #TFG from the presidential nomination in the event that he wins but is convicted of a felony. He currently advises a super PAC supporting Christie. #J6 #GOPConspiracy https://www.rawstory.com/trump-2024-2664623601/
I know we're not supposed to blame AG Garland, but bc of the DOJ's delay in investigating #J6 & still no repercussions for the MOC who enabled #TFG...: GOP Reps continue to aid & abet #TFG: Rep Clyde is proposing 2 amendments to an appropr. bill that'd defund the various prosecutions of #TFG. He is adding to the defense of the former pres. mounted by TFG's allies in the House as they circle the wagons in the face of 4 indictments🚨. #GOPCorruption #GOPLies #GOPConspiracy https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4174557-house-republican-aims-to-defund-trump-prosecutions-until-2024-election/
#J6 #TFG #gopcorruption #goplies #gopconspiracy
So #TheRuleOfLaw shouldn't be enforced, ensuring that those who engaged in the #GOPConspiracy, led by the #TFG to overturn the 2020 pres. election, to indict them for their treasonous crimes? USA Today downplays indictments: The narrative tracks closely with the revelations from the HSE special CMTE that investigated #J6 & the riveting testimony during 2022 hearings. But rather than ending in a thick report, the criminal allegations threaten prison time🚨. #Democracy https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/08/17/georgia-indictment-giuliani-meadows-clark-eastman-powell-ellis/11331707002/
#theruleoflaw #gopconspiracy #TFG #J6 #democracy
We hope these treasonous co-conspirators are next. #GOPConspiracy https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/commentary/jan-6-stone-flynn-bannon-charges-20230820.html
Will #TFG finally listen to his lawyers?: Trump's legal advisers have told him that holding such a press conference with dubious claims of voter fraud will only complicate his legal problems and some of his attorneys have advised him to cancel it. #TheBigLie #GOPLies #GOPConspiracy https://abcnews.go.com/US/trumps-legal-advisers-urge-cancel-press-conference-refute/story
#TFG #thebiglie #goplies #gopconspiracy
TY, Fani Willis: SC Smith chose not to indict #TFG on charges of instigating the violence on #J6. DA Willis puts the Q of his resp. for mob violence front & center -indictment refocuses our attention on the mob #TFG & Giuliani allegedly tried to incite, threats the MAGA horde lobbed toward election officials/others. W/o the GA case/#TFG IDed as the head of the alleged criminal enterprise *no justice for those victims/accounting for the use of mob violence-. #GOPConspiracy https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/08/17/willis-georgia-indictment-violence/
#GOPConspiracy: "Musk has been quiet re being held in contempt by B Howell since the DC Circuit opinion -released on 8/9. Which is why I’m interested in what Musk was doing during the period when Xitter’s counsel was stalling on the DOJ request -Twitter notified the govt in the eve of 8/26/2023 -co wouldn't comply. Musk had made a trip to DC -met with J Jordan on Jan 26, K McCarthy that evening, +Jordan/Comer the next day. #TFG follows JJ/KM -could have sent him DMs🚨..." https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/08/17/as-xitters-lawyer-stalled-doj-elon-musk-met-with-jim-jordan-twice-and-kevin-mccarthy/
More RW organizations & Republican leaders must denounce #TFG & convince their followers to dump him: The CATO Institute: Trump's Toast: The indictment in GA sealed Trump’s fate -now all but certain that he'll be convicted of multiple felonies in one or more of the four pending cases against him. The indictment is a bombshell -alleges Trump orchestrated a criminal conspiracy. #GOPConspiracy https://www.cato.org/blog/trumps-toast-folks
No🎻s for #TFG's co-conspirators. His allies who're now facing criminal charges were never paid by the Trump pol operation for work they did in late 2020.They knew his reputation -did business with him & enabled his crimes: Trump stiffed his alleged co-conspirators, whose false claims brought in $250M. The lack of payments from the Trump campaign & allied CMTEs came up last week in a private interview between SC Smith's team & Kerik, an assc. of Giuliani. #GOPConspiracy https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/15/trump-co-conspirators-never-got-paid-by-trump-team.html
#SINO McCarthy is complicit. MOC who aid & abet #TFG are accessories to #TFG crimes, incl. #J6🚨: “Now a radical [district attorney] in Georgia is following Biden’s lead by attacking President Trump and using it to fundraise her political career. Americans see through this desperate sham.” #GOPConspiracy :https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/15/donald-trump-republicans-reaction-georgia-indictment?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Good news for #JusticeForAll, there will be more flippers. Many Americans look forward to the day that justice is served, esp. for #TFG: He has many co-defendants -many: aren't wealthy & face FIN destruction from their indictments -gives them huge incentive to flip on him to save themselves. Legal experts say: risk to #TFG is very real. NY Univ. law prof Melissa Murray on X: Given the 5-yr min for RICO, lots of opportunities for folks to flip & cooperate🚨. #GOPConspiracy https://www.rawstory.com/trump-indictments-2663845424/
#justiceforall #TFG #gopconspiracy
"What we need to do is remove our power from our elected officials who have betrayed us as Americans. And send to DC others — who better understand than today's officials — that their power is our power"
-Judge Luttig.
MOC who're #TFG's accessories in #J6/other crimes are unlikely to be held responsible. They should be: The sentencing for someone convicted of aiding & abetting can be the same as that for the actual crime itself.
#TFG #J6 #justice #gopconspiracy #VoteBlue2024
Willis will end the scourge on America: In Fulton co., the first Black woman to serve as DA takes on #TFG. She grew up attending court with her dad, a DEF ATTY & Black Panther. Now, she's indicted a former president who sought to overturn election results & often espoused white supremacist rhetoric while doing so. Unflappable, she relentlessly pored over docs, leading her team through security risks -she’d refuse to back down from the task at hand. #Justice #GOPConspiracy https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/14/donald-trump-prosecutor-fulton-county-georgia-district-attorney-fani-willis
GA RICO, DA Willis knows how to apply the statute to #TFG's criminal enterprise: Unlike fed RICO law, under GA law prosecutors don’t have to prove an underlying “criminal enterprise.” -only have to prove: defendants committed some illegal acts in pursuit of a single criminal goal GA RICO is easier than fed. Experts agree: “bc of its breadth -GA prosecutors are more prone to utilize their criminal RICO provision as a vehicle for major cases.”-ATTY Norm Eisen #GOPConspiracy https://statuskuo.substack.com/p/georgia-rico-law-an-indictment-week?sd=pf
DA Fani Willis has an ironclad case: Prosecutors are in possession of text messages & emails directly connecting members of #TFG’s legal team to the early Jan 2021 voting system breach in Coffee County. Investigators have gathered evidence it was a top-down push by #TFG’s team to access sensitive voting software. Georgia prosecutors have messages showing Trump’s team is behind voting system breach. #GOPConspiracy https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/13/politics/coffee-county-georgia-voting-system-breach-trump
#TFG & Kushner should both be nailed: Kushner testified before grand jury about Trump's efforts to overturn election. Kushner and several witnesses were recently questioned about whether Trump told them he knew he lost election, which would help show corrupt intent at a trial. #GOPTraitors #GOPConspiracy https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/13/us/politics/kushner-grand-jury-trump.html
#TFG #goptraitors #gopconspiracy
Thankfully, the DOJ is finally showing some muscle, not protecting #TFG in the Carroll case & now: The DOJ on Wed appealed the sentences handed down to 7 members of the Oath Keepers -incl. founder Stewart Rhodes -for their roles in the J6 attack, a signal that prosecutors are🚨 NOT SATISFIED WITH THE SEVERITY OF THE JAIL TERMS delivered by the federal judge overseeing the case. #GOPTraitors #GOPConspiracy DOJ appeals J6 prison sentences for Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keepers https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/12/doj-appeals-oath-keepers-sentences-00106040
#TFG #goptraitors #gopconspiracy
Pence, a co-conspirator or complicit, yea or nay? Pence Says Post-Election Calls To Govs. Were 'Pressure'-Free. Former VP Mike Pence claimed he doesn’t “remember any pressure” from #TFG after a report that he asked his VP to “prod” then AZ Gov Ducey for information to back up his voter fraud claims on the 2020 pres. election. "But there was no pressure involved. I was calling to get an update🚨. I passed along that information to the president.” #GOPConspiracy #GOPTraitors https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mike-pence-calling-governors-2020-election_n_64a260c4e4b0c7e9d8e82688
#TFG #gopconspiracy #goptraitors
The takeaway from this article is that the House GOP hearings were, (are, and will continue to be) “clear efforts to mainstream conspiracy theories that supplant any hold on the truth.”
That is create “noise” where the lies are elevated to the level of truth and disseminated by “serious people.”
I absolutely expect our MSM to both-side their viewers and readers that the GOP’s fascism-at-work conspiracies actually do have merit.
They do not.