#GOPFascism: Is the a new GOP-led RICO case an effort to stifle protest on the left ahead of 2024's chaos? GA criminalizing post-George Floyd protests: a new blow to democracy🚨 GOP prosecutors are making dissent over Cop City a felony. GA’s RICO charges agst 61 ppl involved in the protest mvt is a full-frontal assault on citizens’ right to protest -means as much for the future of the American Experiment as our obsession over whether #TFG will be pres. or prisoner in 2025. https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/commentary/atlanta-cop-city-rico-protests-20230910.html
#BadJournalism rears it's
ugly head yet again via #GOPLapdogs like @danbalz
@michelleisawolf said in 2018 & more true now
Corporate Media exists to make $$$
Owned by GOP Billionaires they don't give a damn about democracy They have utterly failed to address the growth of #GOPFascism
#gopfascism #goplapdogs #badjournalism
"American authoritarianism is more than just Trump
Increasingly, it's a police state that kills too many civilians and arrests those who dissent."
-Will Bunch
Atlanta 'Cop City' Protesters Are Being Hit With RICO Charges.
#CorruptGOP #GOPFascism
US authoritarianism also means a police state: https://www.inquirer.com/columnists/attytood/police-state-surveillance-drone-gerrymandering-white-supremacy-20230905.html
The Hostile Takeover of Blue Cities by Red States - Bloomberg Businessweek
https://apple.news/nowPlaying/Aaw57U_27R3Wc0_E27m05fA #GOPOverreach #GOPFascism #AppleNews
#applenews #gopfascism #GOPOverreach
Death Star brought to you by the Texas #GOPDeathCult: Goal: TX legislature wants to effectively deny cities -state’s lg. Dem-leaning cities, esp. Houston/San Antonio/Austin -the ability to pass local laws & regulations in 8 major policy areas: AG, bus & commerce, FIN, INSUR, labor, natural resource law, occupational law, & prop. law -does all this in a bill -doesn't aim to affirmatively lay out regs. at the state level -simply attempts to thwart local regs🚨. #GOPFascism https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/08/greg-abbott-texas-attacks-austin-with-death-star.html
Most Republicans & GOP pres. candidates are DOM. TERRORISTS &/or FASCISTS: Christie wants the fed govt to come down hard on protesters -trying to stop the construction of a police training fac. 2021: a decentralized group of protesters has occupied the forest where a complex to train police officers -to be built. In Jan a state trooper fatally shot a protester -but protesters dispute it. GA prosecutors filed dom. terrorism charges against dozens of protesters🚨 #GOPFascism https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/chris-christie-wants-a-federal-probe-of-cop-city-protesters-atlanta-rico/
Trump and the current GOP revolve around embracing violence and violent rhetoric. This is how fascism operates and takes hold. Violence is at the heart of what authoritarian-wannabes use to get the power they crave. This violence and violent rhetoric corrodes the foundation of our society and is designed to destroy our democracy and replace it with an authoritarian/fascist system. Trump and the GOP, at the behest of their obscenely wealthy donors, are attempting to end our democracy and turn most of us into the equivalent of serfs.
Opinion | Fani Willis's Georgia indictment ties Trump to violence - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/08/17/willis-georgia-indictment-violence/?wpisrc=nl-jenniferrubin
The indictment works to refocus our attention on the mob Trump and Giuliani allegedly tried to incite, to the threats the MAGA horde lobbed toward election officials and others, and to the gripping testimony from Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea ArShaye “Shaye” Moss, at the House Jan. 6 hearings. From everything we’ve seen, these Georgians’ lives were made a living hell.
Without the Georgia case and without Trump identified as the head of the alleged criminal enterprise, there would be no justice for those victims, no accounting for the use of mob violence to corrupt the democratic process.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat, author of “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present” and an expert on fascism, told Insider that Trump resorted to inciting the crowd to violence when his other schemes failed “because he truly believes that violence is a way you can change history.” She added, “The thing about autocrats today is that they’re all corrupt, but they’re also violent. They use all of these tools at the same time. So, we can’t isolate one and say that Jan. 6 was just about this or just about that. It was everything. It was a process of months and it culminated in violence.”
The element of thuggishness reflective of authoritarians throughout time and around the globe should not be whitewashed in Trump’s prosecution. It’s easy to make Trump’s alleged attempted coup, run mostly by lawyers and focused on memos distorting and misrepresenting constitutional principles, seem sophisticated, legalistic and without human victims. But, at bottom, the alleged plot rested on the threat of violence both in D.C. and in Georgia.
And let’s not forget this is all part of Trump’s playbook. As Ben-Ghiat recalled in a recent interview, “Since 2015, he [has] used his rallies … as radicalization sites. And over and over, he told his supporters at these rallies that violence was a good way to solve conflict.” She reminded us, “How many times did he say, ‘Oh, you know, in the good old days, we used to be able to punch people, and nothing happened’? So, that discourse of violence, which encouraged Jan. 6, is part of this.”
In December 2020, Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling held an emotional news conference, at which he said: “Mr. President, it looks like you likely lost the state of Georgia. We’re investigating. … What you don’t have the ability to do — and you need to step up and say this — is stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence.” He added, “Someone’s going to get hurt. Someone’s going to get shot. Someone’s going to get killed. And it’s not right.” But the purported criminal enterprise did not stop, either in Georgia or in D.C.
In some legal venue, Trump and his cohorts need to be held accountable for infusing our politics with violence and the threat of violence, for the damage done to Freeman, for the police officers wounded on Capitol Hill, and for the trauma inflicted by the mob they stand accused of orchestrating. That might be a courtroom in Fulton County, Georgia.
Indeed, that would be a service to our democracy and a historical lesson cementing Trump’s legacy as a fascist strongman."
Prosecutor admits police abused their power on behalf of political operatives.
Publisher of raided Kansas newspaper 'vindicated' by prosecutor's decision to return seized items after backlash | CNN Business
https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/16/media/marion-county-record-kansas-newspaper-reliable-sources/index.html #pressfreedom #journalism #gopfascism #fascism #firstamendment
#pressfreedom #journalism #gopfascism #fascism #firstamendment
When they talk to each other, that's when the masks slip and the fascist and authoritarian beneath peaks out. So much of the GOP is now the party of fascism, authoritarianism and theocracy. Those multi-syllabic words are more than they can understand but that doesn't stop them in the least. Right-wing oligarchs, Fox News and right-wing talk radio/media, religious zealots, racists and white supremacists and power-hungry goons have been prepping the GOP base for this for years. Anybody with half a brain who values democracy, liberty, freedom, human rights and a healthy society, should never vote Republican and better wake up if they are voting GOP on auto-pilot!
'That's how fascists talk': Matt Gaetz flattened for threat of violence in support of Trump https://www.rawstory.com/matt-gaetz-violence/
"According to an expert on authoritarianism, comments made by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Saturday while standing with former president Donald Trump should raise flags as he promised to use "force" to create change in Washington, D.C.
Considering the former president was recently indicted for conspiracy related to the Jan. 6 insurrection that led to lawmakers fleeing for their lives, historian and author Ruth Ben-Ghiat called Gaetz comments alarming.
Speaking before a crowd at the Iowa State Fair on Saturday, Gaetz stated, "Mr. President, I cannot stand these people that are destroying our country. They are opening our borders. They are weaponizing our federal law enforcement against patriotic Americans who love this nation as we should," before adding, "But we know that only through force do we make any change in a corrupt town like Washington, D.C. And so to all my friends here in Iowa, when you see them come for this man, know that they are coming for our movement and they are coming for all of us."
Reacting to Gaetz's proclamations, Ben-Ghiat told MSNBC's Ayman Mohyeldin, "What he is saying is that they are not going to have change through elections or through legislation or through reform. They are going to have change through violence."
"And that's how fascists talk," she added. "So, even if Trump is out of the picture, these are people who have adopted methods very familiar to me as a historian of fascism, that violence and corruption and lying that's what the party is today.""
#gopfascism #goptheocracy #gopauthoritarianism #gopthepartyofviolence #gopracism
I am worried about so many awfully big things. 'ClimateCrisis #NazisInAmerica #GOPFascism #CovidIsntOver
Can anyone offer a reason for optimism?
#CovidIsntOver #gopfascism #nazisinamerica
Calling for the death penalty is no laughing matter. #SINO McCarthy won't discipline Greene bc he likely supports her opinion: Marjorie Taylor Green on executing political opponents: "I think we're ending on the right note.". #GOPFascism #GOPDeathCult https://www.meidastouch.com/news/marjorie-taylor-greene-praised-a-call-for-executing-political-opponents
#sino #gopfascism #gopdeathcult
Bravo @ProjectLincoln
The 2024 Elections will be the starkest choice between a vote "D"-emocracy or R for #GOPFascism
We already see fascism’s pernicious & deadly effects in
GOP-controlled states
Good news?
4M new young voters
To the 34% of US who stayed home in 2020?
#WTFU & #VoteBlue2024
#VoteBlue2024 #wtfu #gopfascism
McCarthy is a traitor to America & he's actively advocating for voter suppression, esp. for Black Americans: The map drawing process has been closely watched by many in DC, where redistricting battles playing out in the courts in AL, NY, NC, GS, TX & other states could decide control of Congress. SOH McCarthy🚨, Sen Tuberville +much of the rest of ALs congressional delegation had reached out to GOP legislators, acc to AL GOP SOH Ledbetter. #GOPSabotage #GOPFascism #GOPLies https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/alabama-gop-refuses-draw-second-black-district-supreme-court-order-rcna94715
#gopsabotage #gopfascism #goplies
Giving #SINO McCarthy👿credit for being divisive, antidemocratic & a saboteur is beyond the pale: On the whole, McCarthy's forces have been more united than House Dems during the first 6 months of this Congress. It's a testament to his pol acumen & ability to unite a fractious Republican Party. That development has run against expectations, given the ideological divisions within the GOP & McCarthy's own struggles to secure the speakership. #GOPFascism #GOPLies #GOPSabotage https://www.axios.com/2023/07/23/kevin-mccarthy-house-republicans-divided
#sino #gopfascism #goplies #gopsabotage
Most of us aren't diabolical; I knew about the GOP AGs seeking medical records, but I didn't realize -likely the only way they can monitor pregnant ppl: Republicans can’t put up checkpoints, monitoring who’s traveling in & out of their states, asking people to explain their comings & goings, but for several GOP ST AGs, there’s an alternative approach -they want the authority to seek private MED records from other states as a way of checking up o-. #GOPSabotage #GOPFascism https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/republican-state-ags-are-seeking-state-medical-records-rcna94935
The 2024 Elections will be a stark choice between Democracy or #GOPFascism
@nytimes exposes #Project2025
We aleady see it's pernicious effects in
GOP-run states (see @maddow)
The 34% of US who stayed home in 2020 must wake up & #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
#VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #project2025 #gopfascism
Nicolle Wallace on Deadline: White House, said that she hasn't heard of one Republican MOC today rebuke #TFG's autocratic & dystopian plan for the WH (detailed in the NYT's article) if he's elected next year. Silence is complicity. Many are his co-conspirators. #GOPTraitors #GOPFascism
Privacy? HIPAA?... MS authorities need access to info. about residents who obtain abortions or gender-affirming care in other states, AG Fitch told the Biden admin in a June 16 letter. +AGs from these states: AL/AS/AR/GA/ID/IN/KY/LA/MO/MT/NE/ND/OH/SC/SD/TN/TX/UT signed the letter🚨. AG Fitch’s letter calls on HHS Sec Becerra to drop a proposed rule change that'd prevent states from obtaining private health info. “for a criminal, civil, or admin. investigation-. #GOPFascism https://www.mississippifreepress.org/34705/mississippi-attorney-general-wants-info-on-out-of-state-abortions-gender-affirming-care
TX: #GOPFascism. Pugh Elem. School in HISD, SUPT Miles worked hard to sell his wholesale campus reform program *NES to a resistant crowd, some holding signs that read “Our Children, Our Schools.” Miles boasted that 57 campuses had voluntarily opted into it: “They love this -That’s why teachers at 57 schools volunteered.” As part of the state’s takeover of HISD—which ousted an elected SB... TEACHERS STRONG-ARMED TO GET ON BOARD WITH HOUSTON SCHOOLS TAKEOVER. #PublicSchools https://www.texasobserver.org/teachers-strong-armed-to-get-on-board-with-houston-schools-takeover/
This tactic is sickening . #NeverAgain #GOPFascism #NukeTwitter
#neveragain #gopfascism #nuketwitter